"With Fabric & Thread" Cherry Blossom Quilt II

I.love.making.quilts. I just do. I can't help it.
I love picking all the fabrics.
I love cutting all the pieces.
I love building the blocks.
I love pressing the seams.
I love perfectly nesting seams and clean points (when they happen ... 'cause they don't always ... happen, that is).
I love it when a quilt top is all put together.
I love pin basting.
No, wait.
That is a total lie.
I reeeeally don't like that part at.all!
And yes I use a pink tupperware for my basting pins ... ;)
I love top-stitching.
Especially my true love grid-on-point ... people, you simply cannot argue with a classic.
I love binding ...
hmmmm ... no, that was another fib ...
I TOLERATE binding,
... when there's something good on tv.
But I FOR SURE FOR SURE love washing and drying a quilt for the first time to magically turn it into a family heirloom - all puckered & soft & loved.
Making things with fabric & thread.
That's what I love.
Oh and chocolate.
Can't forget about chocolate.

Reader Comments (29)
Oh come on! Quit teasing! Show me the quilt!!!!
Tease, Quilt Hussy....okay, I have to stop name calling. All we really want is a little glamour shot of your new pretty in pink family heirloom quilt. Is that too much to ask????
So pretty. I have to say I hate the ironing part, of course I still want it to looked pressed, I just don't want to do it.
I call it an accomplishment when I finish a quilt in 6 months. You are a machine!!! Can't wait to see it =)
seriously. you're done?!?!! you are insane! like in an amazingly awesome way. :) it's super lovely, i can't believe you made that already!!
Hey Mrs. Teasing Queen can't believe you're already finished this quilt!!! Looks stunning beautiful as far as I can tell from these sneak peeks! Have a wonderful weekend, Hildy
I was so scrolling down and getting excited to see the whole quilt. Please.
Can I ask a question? Well I will anyway, for your grid quilting do you draw lines first and if you do, do you draw them before you pin?
Hi Linda,
No, I never draw lines when I machine quilt. For this quilt in particular, I was able to "eyeball" my first straight line using the corners within each block. And then I set my quilting guide (see little metal bar to the left of my presser foot) and followed each previous line.
If I can't eyeball a straight line or follow seam/corner landmarks in the quilt, I will simply use my 24" ruler and a strip of masking tape to make my first line, and then use my quilting guide.
If I didn't have a guide, I probably would use masking tape ... or washable marker. But I had a bad experience with a washable marker once and I'm kinda leary of them now.
And I would draw the lines before I pin.
But I'd tape after I pin.
Hope this helps!
Where is the picture of the finished quilt? I cannot believe you finished it already!
You forgot one....YOU LOVE TO TEASE!!! Another "classic" that seemingly cannot be argued with. Hahahahaha!!! She's so pretty! Can't wait to see her big reveal! :)
Can't wait to see a picture of the quilt. LOVE the colors!
Do you use a walking foot when you do the quilting?
I love your fabric and want some just like it -name?? You do a great job I live reading your blog,makes my day.
Hi Cheryl,
I have a Pfaff sewing machine and bought it because it has a built in walking foot feature. I love it. But if I didn't have this machine, I would use a walking foot for quilting. It does make a huge difference!
Hope this helps.
I hate pin basting too! I'm gonna try spray basting. Lisa's done it on smaller quilts and likes it. She said she would show me how.
Love the new quilt...yeah, i love chocolate too. chocolate seems to love me back with pounds. dang! ;p
Oh my dear this looks aMAzing.... love that perfect flying goose point... the softness... all of it... AND even the pink tupperware! You never fail to delight the senses with these gorgeous pictures of inspiration!
Please post the finished quilt!! I love your taste in fabric!
You are finished aleady??? Do you sleep ever? It is beautiful as always!! I spray baste with 3M 505 Basting spray,and never a pucker! Grid never looked so good. Where do you make your first line? I always do free motion quilting on mine. I can tell already,that is one gorgeous quilt!!! Have you tried Pinmoore,the littel spongy thing you put on the end of a pin? t
They are beyond wonderful!!! Google them.
Beautiful quilt as always!
You love taping the backing to the floor and getting a poor sucker to help you pin it together after work one night!
So pretty and feminine. I would give my other leg to have a quilt like that! I dream of making quilts. I'm losing my eyesight, due to brain tumors, so those dreams won't happen. But, never ever stop dreaming! Lovely work.
Tthis pink combo is yum like pink icing on a bun! Cant wait to see.
I LOVE the puckered heirloom look, but I can't bring myself to wash and dry mine when I finish -- I like the smooth flat look -- it's so pristine. Now you're making me re-think that. Hmmmmm
Tell us what batting your use Kristyne.
Jo,your comment brought tears to my eyes. I will pray for you. What a beautiful spirit you have.
I love your chose of colors... I can't wait to see your finished quilt.
My thoughts exactly! Well, except for binding, I actually love binding o:)
Oh what a tease! You didn't even show us the finished quilt!
Can't wait to see allllll of this quilt! I to am finding that I love making quilts!
Stunning palette.
I can hardly wait for the reveal.
You are such a tease....please please show a photo of the entire quilt! She is so pretty in all of her pink glory....must see the whole thing!!
Me, I'm struggling with the lumps on multiple intersecting seams (HSTs since you didn't ask), are the lumps supposed to be that lumpy?