Daisychain Sampler "W"

Ok, so how cool is this leaf?
I made it with really small, tight fly stitches.
This is not how the leaves are stitched in the original pattern ... I just felt like making mine this way.
They're fun to stitch and look pretty realistic, I'd say. Sorta like a Boston fern, maybe?
And I had to do more alterations to this letter. The flowers on the original design are really cute, but because I've reduced the size of my Sampler by 30%, those flowers became too small to look good.
I came up with these tiny little pink bells. I have a thing for bell/drop type flowers. I just made 4 or 5 straight stitches for each flower. Easy peasy.
I'm not sure these flowers exist in real life. I think of them as stylized pink Lily-of-the-Valley. I bought one once from a mail-order garden nursery. It died. I'm not a very good gardener.
On the other hand, however, I'm a decent embroiderer ... happily these little pink bells will last forever!
Oh, and I added a little yellow knot - single strand only - to really emphasize the bell-ish-ness.
I think it worked out rather nicely.
Speaking of work, there are a TON of stitches in this little W ... (actual size is less than 1 1/2"!) ... and totally worth every single one.

Reader Comments (24)
WOW... just WOW! (emphasizing the W in WOW) :)
Okay. Forget that I've ever said this before. This letter is my very favorite. Love the little pink bells. Makes me sing:
Pink coral bells upon a slender stalk.
Lilies of the valley deck my garden walk.
Oh don't you wish that you could hear them ring?
That will happen only when the fairies sing.
I'm going to change my name to something that starts with W and have you monogram everything with this letter! Beautiful!
You, M'Lady are one with the talent Gods. You have a beautiful eye for putting textures, colors and themes together and I am in awe.
I'm in love with your sampler! I'm so glad that you have the creativity to change it to suit you...I like yours better than the original. You have such an eye for color!
Wow - I have just looked at a ruler to make sure I was guessing what 1 1/2 inches looked like right - wow. I love every single one of these letters, but the W is fantastic - I love the leaves - so effective!
You are the most talented person ever!!! This letter is just AWESOME!!! Hildy
This is just SO pretty! You are wonderfully talented and artistic - Lovely!!!!
I love this!! You are talented! That is such a pretty sampler, i ordered for it myself, now to find time to do it! Very pretty little flowers!x
Yep, totaly worth it! ;p
Lovely - delicate and dainty!
Every new letter is my favorite! The leaves and the pink bell flowers! LOVE! :)
Love it!!!
It is beautiful.
Wow.... that is so pretty! WONDERFULLY executed! I love every bit of it! Kudos my dear!
GORGEOUS!!! I don't know how you'll top this one, and there aren't many chances left!!!
It looks just wonderful, It looks so pretty. I wish I only had half the talent.
Very, very nice. You are so good at the embroidery thing!!
Each letter just gets better! Oh,those little pink bells! Just does it for me! Looks way better than the original to e/ I will be sad when this is finished! Unless you have somethng else to take it's place. I so enjoy seeing all of your talent!!
Okay, you just keep raising the bar! Not sure I can mimic this, but I'm sure gonna try. I bow to all things made by Krystine.
So delicate and so pretty. Your embroidery is so beautiful. I love your sampler. Can't believe it is almost done! Keep it up. K-
I am only up to "T" on my sampler, so glad you are in front of me so I can pinch your ideas!!! Love the leaf design, I will try that on mine when I eventually get to the "W". Hugs Linda
Pretty by Hand !! How true. I love your work and your bell flowers are just lovely! Great job and can't wait to see more.
It's stunning!!
Love how you've been stitching Alicia's sampler! I just started it myself and wish I had time to just stitch one letter straight after the other. :-)