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Happy New Year ... and a few hedgehogs

Happy New Year's Eve!  Hope you have a fun night and a fantastic 2013. 

I think we four are just going to hang out at home watching movies, eating popcorn and snuggling under a mountain of quilts.  And as always, the last one to fall asleep wins.  Smart money is on me.  But only if there is something good on tv.  And I have something to stitch.  Otherwise I'll be out by 9:30.  The winner will have to wake everyone up at midnight, do a little sleepy cheer and then make the children climb up the stairs to bed ... 'cause they are just not little enough to be carried anymore.  I'm sure if I tried to carry even the little one, the attempt would end with both of us carted off to the emergency room - her with a broken what-cha-ma-call-it and me with a herniated something-or-other.  Sigh.


Remember this little stitchery I prepped for my trip to Quilt Market in October? 

It's a fairly small design, but it has been my portable project for the past few months 'cause I didn't get much done in Houston.

So I've been taking it with me on Saturdays while my daughter sees her math/english tutor.  (She has a form of dyslexia which can make school a little tricky sometimes, so she benefits a great deal from a little extra-curricular support.)

But I seem to end up doing more chit-chatting than stitching while I wait for her.  Oh well.

Anyhow, here it is all finished.

Those little hedgehogs crack me up ... aren't they just so cute?

I made a few changes, 'cause ... you know ... that's what I do.  I used a lighter brown for the clock hands and hedgehog face outlines.  I went with a plain stem stitch instead of a blanket stitch for the cuckoo bird window.  I also added a little colonial knot to the center of the lazy daisy flowers.

The pattern also called for mostly backstitch.  But as I've said before, my backstitch isn't anything to write home about, so I only used it for the very finely detailed lines (the pink deers & hedgehog faces) and used my favored stem stitch for most of the rest of it.

Now I have to do something with it!  I was going to use this new fabric collection by Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches.

Especially this print ...

I mean come ON, right?!  But I'd already done most of the stitching before I got the fabric and the colors don't work together.

However, it seems my 9 year old has called dibs on it.  And she really favors these ...

I'll see what I can do.  I'm thinking a zippered pouch of some sort.

Hmmm, this also means I need to find a new portable project for Saturdays ... that shouldn't be too difficult. :)

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Reader Comments (10)

This is too cute for words!!! Your embroidery is flawless, as usual! Happy New Year!

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterA Little Blue Dragonfly

Love the stichery! :)
Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year, with lots more stitchery for you ( as if that's not going to happen anyway!!!!!) ;)
V xxx

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered Commentergreenrabbitdesigns

Too cute for words! Today I had a little late present in my mailbox ... guess what book arrived today? Right, and I've already stitched the kitty;-)
Wish you a happy new year, Hildy

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHildy

I just picked up my S is for Stitch at the post office. I usually buy new books, look at the pictures, usually not read it and put it on my book shelf. Well, let me tell you, in two days I have read the whole book, learned many new things AND have picked out the blocks I want to do and the fabrics. Thank you so much. I love my book!11

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKathee

Cute as always!! Just finished your honey bee bag in vintage modern and posted it on my blog. It turned out well and great instructions!!

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChrista

I love your embroidery and those fabrics are super cute!
Happy 2013 to you!

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDana

Happy new year to you too! Home is the only safe place to be. ;p

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterina

Happy NYE Krystine! I love your embroidery and the tiny chain stitch you do is amazing. Maybe a pouch for her Littlest Pet Shops (does she love those like my girls did?) Happy 2013 to you from California... it was 35 degrees here this morning. Chicago was 38. Brrrr....

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKeri in CA

I just love your blog and your work! I had to order the Kitty fabric last night, it kept calling my name after seeing it on your blog:)

Kathy in Michigan

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKathy

Your embroidery is beautiful...and I am looking forward so much to seeing what you make it into! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Helen x

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHelen Philipps

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