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Go Figure ... Skate

Not sure why I love this skate ornament so much.

My history with figure skating holds arguments for me both loving and ... loathing ... things that evoke memories of this "romantic" winter pastime.

On the one hand, I took figure skating lessons when I was a kid. 

For years.

On an outdoor rink. 

Until I was 13.

And I have the badges to prove it ...

On the other hand, I'm not much of a cold weather, outdoors-y person. 

On the other hand, if you grow up in Canada with parents who insist that you get fresh air & exercise throughout the year, skating is practically unavoidable.

On the other hand, I actually won a silver medal once.  In like a real competition.  And I have the medal to prove it ... my one and only piece of sporting hardware.

On the other hand, I never enjoyed skating.  More like I hated it.  My toes would freeze, my hands would freeze, my face would freeze, my snot would freeze to my scarf, my skates would hurt. 

Did I mention it's cold here in the winter?

On the other hand, I'm an amazingly terrible athlete.  I'm a non-athlete.  Times ten.  Times a million.  Plus infinity.  I'm not even an athletic supporter.  So I've never been able to reconcile my skating accomplishments with my total and complete lack of athleticism.  Maybe my parents paid someone off.

But on the other hand, at least I know how to skate.  No triple axels or flying camels, mind you.  I was never even CLOSE to being THAT good.  But I can do the basics without falling down. 

That's the only way to explain how much I really really love this felt skate ornament. 

I think.

Or maybe it's just simply the cutest darn ornament ever!

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Reader Comments (11)

Hi Kristyne!

Hope you'll share this, and thank you again for enticing me into making those darling tags. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

Knit? Crochet? Sew?? We are making scarves for the 80 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown. Please visit www.sentimentallyme.blogspot.com for information, and read up on my own family's connection to Newtown.

Please help spread the word!

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPatrice

Oh my gosh those badges brought back a flood of memories. I never had any, but I remember my friends with their pretty white skates and those badges sewn onto their puffy jackets. I grew up learning to skate in second (third and fourth) hand wrinkly skates on bumpy sloughs in southern Alberta. I know well the freezing toes, hands and face you speak of. I never wanted to take figure skating because we spent enough time in rinks watching my brother play hockey in every dinky little hockey rink in the area. I did admire those pretty little patches though: too bad you couldn`t get them for hours logged watching your brother...

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

I think here in munich we have pretty much the same weather. Therefore as a kid I went (was forced to) skate. But now I'm more the kind of a passive athlete, menas I love to watch soccer but hate doing sport. But in your skate I would skating again;-)
Have a wonderful weekend and I wish you and your family a merry xmas;-) Hildy

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHildy

Oh my goodness! I can't stop smiling! I LOVE your story! You've brought up one of my favorites! I took figure skating lessons as an adult to fulfill a lifelong dream. I kid you not. I went to 2 competitions and competed in the Beginner Adult Division and took the gold medal both times. How? I was the ONLY competitor!!! Hahahaha! There's all these cute little girls in their skating dresses, and then there's me! Ha! I have this reoccuring dream that Brian Boitano has decided to skate Pairs and asks me to be his skating partner. Haha! Oh yes, I will be making this ice skate ornament. For sure! :) Happy Weekend, K!

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterA Little Blue Dragonfly

I loved reading about your skating lessons. I grew up in upstate NY and learned to skate on a nearby pond. On Sat. nights, there would be a bonfire & music. I remember skating with my Grandfather to the music and him teaching me some dance steps. I always wanted skating lessons, but none were available in our small town. I recently completed the skate ornament and it is darling! I think I like it so much because it reminds me of those skating days long ago.

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

Hi Kristyne, your tags are just gorgeous - thanks for sharing them, and clever you! I've never tried figure skating - no call for it Down Under! I'm really not a hot weather person, and as today is going to be 29 degrees and tomorrow 36 degrees, I'll think of you and snow, and you can think of me and heat!! Merry Christmas!

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMeredithe

Wow I am impressed, all those badges and a medal too!!!
V xxx

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commentergreenrabbitdesigns

I laughed when I read your post! I begged for skating lessons when I was growing up here in Vancouver and fortunately my parents agreed. I managed to obtain several badges (not as many as you, though) and I remember my mom sewing them onto my skating sweater which I wore proudly. She made all my skating dresses and costumes and they were beautiful! Thanks for showing the badges - they brought back wonderful memories!

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

DAMN!!! You have ice skating badges??!! You are definitely my hero! ;p

I hope you make your kids skate....if you had to then they have to. It's the circle of life.....

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterina

This post brought back alot of memories for me too. We used to run the 3 blocks to the outdoor skating rink once school was out to help the rink man shovel off any snow that was accumulated. Then we would skate, accompanied by music, untill the last possible minute to make it home in time for supper. Moms today have electronic babysitters but I think the rink was much better. I never got any badges cause I never took any lessons. Self taught... get going or get run over ! Yeah - I would never call myself an "athletic supporter" , either ! ! I really appreciate your sense of humor ! Have a Merry Christmas ! I have really enjoyed reading your blog.

December 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterColleen
Love your story.. such nostalgia!! It sounds almost identical to mine except that I was on indoor rinks and I never won a competition 😫😂. I cherished those badges, sewed the first few of them to the back of my sweater and pinned the rest on.. waiting for me to 'someday' sew them on too. That was in the 1970s and that project continues to be on hold lol.

I liked freestyle and dance, but figures, that was painful! 45 minutes of that took a lot of patience. In my first year of high school, when I was 13 and becoming "cool" 😂😂😂 I abruptly quit lessons for fear that the cool kids would see me in my skating dress and think I was a little kid. Haha!

Thanks for posting! It was a very fun and cute story.
February 28, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterSB

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