2012 Holiday Tag-a-Long Week 4

Well here we are, the last week of our Holiday Tag-a-Long. Wow. Is it just me or did the last 4 Wednesday's go by really super fast?
So. I have a small confession to make. Remember how I said I wasn't going to buy any new supplies for my tags ... just use what I already had? Well, I kinda sorta cheated a little. I didn't mean to, but I met a friend for lunch last week. And the cafe was "conveniently" located next to one of our favorite shops that happens to carry some crazy beautiful embellishments, like these sequins.
Aaaagh! They're like jewels!!! And I didn't even buy them with my tags in mind. I just bought them ... just ... 'cause. I was feeling a little guilty 'bout that, but then my lack of discipline led to a lovely moment of inspiration for this week's color theme ...
Hot Pink & Kelly Green
Yeah, baby!
For some reason I had "Baltimore Album" on my mind and I've always loved this classic laurel wreath. I started with the embroidered branches, then added my pretty new colorful sequins, a few pink knots and some green leaves and voila!
It's a bit bigger than the template because I wasn't going to frame it. But it didn't look finished so I added the pink border and the ribbon trim ... which you can't really see except up close. But it makes for a more elegant finish.
I also thought a lot about embroidering the year or a monogram or a little festive word in the middle, but I couldn't make up my mind. So I left it blank.
Next was this stitched wreath with the teensiest little irridescent flower sequins ever.
I embroidered a simple feather stitch wreath and randomly added the flowers with greens knot.
It looked a little naked so I added the white knots in the middle. Not sure if I like them, but they're staying. And solid pink for the entire tag was too much for me, so I added the green fabric and then covered the seam with a pretty white ribbon/bow.
Last but not least ... I used the fabric as the feature.
I was just going to add the 2 ribbon stripes and be done with it.
But it reminded me too much of the ugly tube socks I used to wear for gym class. NOT the look I was going for. So I girlied them up with little embroidered bows and some sequin hearts.
I love them.
In fact, I'm pleased with all my tags.
And I LOVE Amy's tags too, of course.
We hope we've inspired you to make some pretty tags too. Or that you've at least enjoyed seeing our creations. If so, then we have succeeded in our mission to spread some pretty, crafty holiday cheer. Thank you to everyone who participated! Please keep adding your lovely tags to the 2012 Holiday Tag-a-Long Flickr Group.
But you know what? I've decided to sell my tags. I know, you might think I'm crazy. But I've already had my fun designing and making them and for me, it's always more about the making than the having. I've listed them in my shop as their original sets, if you're interested. UPDATE: SOLD OUT!

Reader Comments (17)
All the tags are so pretty. They will make packages very special. I think I'll make a whole bunch this winter to have all ready for next Christmas/ Thanks for all the ideas.
I love these...and you are soooo funny not wanting it to look like your tube socks (lol) . Many thanks to you and Amy for the inspiration and for the energy you put into this tag along. I bought some eyelets and after the New Year, I'm going to make some Valentine tags. Have a wonderful holiday.
Ah pink and green, my favorite preppy color combo! Love those little flower sequins. And, uh, I might still wear striped socks like that because they stay up under boots. Maybe.
My heart skipped a beat seeing these gorgeous tags.....the colours, the sequins, the sweet designs...Love them!!
Helen x
Gorgeous K!!! :)
Now tell me, did you eat the sherbet?? ;)
v xxx
Hello Kristyne!! Your tags are really lovely!! So sweet, cute.... great job!!!
Have a great time! Jolana
Very pretty tags!
They are all beautiful, Kristyne!! I'll have to remember that trick of booking a lunch next to Out of Hand =)) I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!! XXOO
WTH?! It is about the making AND the having! you crazy canuck! ;p I love the heart sequins...never seen those before. ;p
Always beautiful!! And who could resist going into Out of Hand!! Love it.... the website does not reflect the treasures this store has hidden in it's midst!!
beautiful tags! Those sequins would have come home with the most resolved crafter, they're so adorable!
I love your tags! I wish you have a happy Christmas and I hope you have a very good 2013! Joana
Dear krystine,
I love everything you do!!!! One can easily notice how all of your products reflect your sensitive heart, your talent, as well as your wide good heart to share everything with your fans.
I salut you!!!
Thank you so much and keep following your heart.
Warm regards from Israel and me
I am a day late and a dollar short - I just gasped as I read you were selling your tags so I zoomed over to your site... missed it it looks like! Bummer! That would have been fun to get some of those - you did a wonderful job! Thank you for the fun posts the last four weeks and all the inspiration! Merry Christmas friend! I appreciate all you teach us on here!
Your tags are just lovely. Great inspiration. Is there a brand name on the sequins? I tried the link to your favorite store but couldn't find the sequins. Thanks.
My name is Laura, and I am the editor of AllFreeChristmasCrafts.com. I am contacting you because I would love to feature some of your craft tutorials, like this one, on AllFreeChristmasCrafts.com. I know my readers would love your content!
Each one of our craft reviews includes a short description of the project, a byline that credits you, a link to the tutorial on your site, and a photo of the finished project. We also feature links to projects and accompanying pictures in our free weekly e-mail newsletter.
My email address is lplack@primecp.com. Please let me know if we have permission to feature your projects and photos on AllFreeChristmasCrafts.com and in our newsletters, which reach over 100,000 subscribers. I look forward to hearing from you!
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