Farmer's Wife Quilt Along - Week 9

Pink & Blue. Makes me think of babies ... baby showers, baby powder, teensie weensie finger & toes ... (Oh how I miss that new baby smell - the fuzzy top-of-the-head end, not the other end!)
#71 Puss in the Corner
Oops, I already made this one a few weeks ago. Oh well, I'll keep both for now and see which one makes the cut. I like options. ;)
#92 - Streak of Lightning
Another reject this week. I don't like how the gingham looks all wonky & blurry & crooked when it touches itself. Makes my eyes water. And plus it gives me vertigo. (kidding)
Much better. :)


Reader Comments (10)
I love your pink/blue blocks! You're right your second 'streak of lighting block' is much nicer but if you wouln't told I wouldn't recognized that you did tke 'puss in the corner' a few weeks ago. Bwt I like the second one in blue/pink better;-)
I like the flowers better too!
Re babies - I don't think anyone would miss the other end. ;)
Vivienne x
I agree about the gingham - I usually avoid using checks, as it can be very tricky to kkep the lines straight.
Beautiful again, Miss K! Yep, I've had the same disappointment using gingham. I'm 'off' gingham fabric now. It just looks wonky! ;0
Another couple of beauties! I really love the pink and blue! And I'm torn---I see what you're saying about the gingham wonky-ness, and yet I love it still. It's quirky that way! But then again, 'quirky' probably isn't the word you want describing your FWSQ! The second block with the flowers is beautiful! :)
I wish you would design a quilt around these blocks!
What????? A reject???? Feel free to send your rejects to me. I'll make a reject quilt. And it will be GORGEOUS. I LOVE LOVE your blocks. I wish YOUR fabric would hurry and get here -- it will look perfect with your color choices!!!
i love both of these! i've been skeptical of making these blocks because i couldn't see them being cute. you have definitely made them cute!
Lovely FWQAL blocks and your blog header is beautiful!
Wow. I just love your header photo, how perfect is that??? I also am in love with your fabrics. They may make you think of babies, but they aren't 'too' babyish. Very, very pretty.
~ Kimberlee at The Spunky Diva