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Farmer's Wife Quilt Along Weeks 1-4

This fabulous Farmer's Wife Quilt Along (FWQAL) started earlier this month and ... well ... I just couldn't help myself.  I've never done a quilt along before and after reading about it here and here (and then again here - Monica, someone owes you a toaster-oven!), I was totally hooked.  It seems like so much fun I just have to play along.

I'm making my blocks 4-1/2" instead of 6" (finished).  My best friend tells me I'm very annoying when I do stuff like that.  She thinks I have a problem with authority.  What can I say, I like little!   ;) 

I actually started making 3" blocks - and they were just so "oh-my-stars" fabulously teeny weeny - but because the fabrics I'm using have more larger scale prints, I was running into trouble with "blotchiness" - especially with the really small pieces ...

So I'm settling for 4-1/2". ;)

Now I'm a few weeks behind on FWQAL postings so I'll catch up today and then post the group's planned 2 blocks/week. 

I'm using my beloved Lecien "Flower Sugar" fabric (again) and I've decided to make my blocks in color pairs so every week will have a different color theme.  Here's what I've done so far.

Week 1 - All the colors - blue, green, yellow, pink, red (my plan is to use red as just an accent here and there) and white.

#73 - Rainbow Flowers

I'm not sure why the pattern had these 3 corner squares made in the same fabric as the adjoining rectangles.  So, I didn't follow the color placement from the book (I do that a lot).  I like how this block turned out.

#43 - Garden Path

I followed the book's fabric placement this time and I just love it. 

Week 2 - Pink, Green & Red

#1 - Attic Windows

#16 - Calico Puzzle

I'm really liking the gingham here and the pinwheel effect.

Week 3 - Pink ;)

#19 - Checkerboard

I love checkerboards.  I really do.

#111 - Churn Dash

Week 4 - Blue, Yellow & Red

#21 - Contrary Wife

I used to have blue & yellow Laura Ashley wallpaper in my kitchen until we renovated a few years ago.  These blocks make me miss my old kitchen ...

#10 - Bow Tie

Yeah, I kinda went way off track with placement here.  No bowtie to be seen.  But I love this block!

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Reader Comments (29)

I´ve seen the farmer´s wife blocks on Camille´s site ... and I could resist! But now you give me a hard time too that´s so unfair!!!! I´ve so many projects in line but you devinitly put a new one to my list. Perhaps I wait til my mum´s birthday buy the book for her as present and then use it myself? Then I´ve to wait til august and can finish a few projects first? Just thinking;-) BTW I soooo do love your iny blocks.

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHildy

Ok, they look fantastic. but you do seriously have an issue with following instructions. You always seem to find a way to make it better! Usually after I have already finished mine and I like yours more! I still love ya.......

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKate

Your blocks are so so so pretty! Love them. I tried my first one last night and I was shocked at how hard it was for me. But it was 1am and I don't think my brain was working properly. I will look forward to seeing more of your happy blocks! xo amy

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Very preety! :)

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAli-O

Oh, those are the most pretty darling tiny little blocks....this quilt along is taking blog land by storm and after seeing your blocks I am not sure if I can resist any longer?

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTami

Way to go...super cute already...my book is in the mail...doubt I will start anytime soon...I have grandious ideas of having time to quilt...but I sure will be ready for any quilting project for hundreds of years to come! My husband has asked me before if I ever roll in my fabric...I pleaded the 5th :)
Lisa in Texas

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa LeBlanc

Oh I just love your blocks. The colors are divine. Thanks for sharing.

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStefanie

Wow, that cult sounds like fun but my mom said I wasn't allowed to join. She can be such a kill-joy. ;0

The blocks are beautiful....they really are.

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterina

Do you know what Kristyne, I have a problem with authority too, I never do things the way they're supposed to be done. I always like to put my on stamp on things.
It all looks great, so your way works! :)
Vivienne x

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergreenrabbitdesigns

These are crazy cute! I love them all!

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterErin

I love that you are using such bright and fun fabrics! I can't wait to see it all finished!

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

Holy moley! Looks fab! I love those fabrics. You must spend a fortune!

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterClaire

I really wanted to buy the book but read that the blocks are difficult to do from the books insturction and I have issues understanding instructions.They have to be easy to understand. (I'm always glad that patterns show pictures) Does the book show examples because your blocks are so wonderful. Now I want to do the blocks. Did you find the instructions good?

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJudy Blinkenberg

I love your fabrics and the beautiful way you have combined them

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdiane stanley

Okay ... dang it all!! You just had to show off your cuteness and twist both my arms ... now I gotta go buy that dang book LOL LOL LOL Seriously, major cuteness happening and yes, I've been holding out trying not to purchase yet another book, but truly, your blocks and pretty fabrics hit me where they count ... so, me and my check book are off to the book mart :) Thank you, sincerely :)

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWendyMT

Fabulous blocks! I think you fabric choices have made these blocks so pretty.

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercatherine

Oh.My.Gosh. You've been sucked in. Your blocks are GORGEOUS!!! I had contact today and we're getting closer on our little project!

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThimbleanna

LOVE all of your blocks!! How did you do this so fast? Amazing...

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCamille

They look fabulous, you've done such a great job on them. Feel free to overwhelm with more beautiful blocks like that, I don't mind :)

June 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHope

LOL...another farmers wife! Have to admit, I was finding it REALLY hard to resist...so my book is on it's way, and we'll see how I go from there :) Your blocks are gorgeous...very inspiring!

June 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSuzitee

Love them tiny! I loved them at 6 but omg love them even smaller. Love your tiny perfection... your fabric choices.. all wonderful.

June 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPam

fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! your blocks look fantastic. I love Flowr Sugar too.

June 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

OMG Kristyne! I am weeping. W E E P I N G! Those are the most beautiful blocks ever. EVER! You make me want to abandon the ones I already started and switch to Flower Sugar and Color Basics! You, my friend…. are a fabric enabler! xxoo!

July 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterhappy zombie

i really love your blocks, plus you are funny... :)

you are like me because i also tend to go off track a little when making my blocks so i totally understand! it just makes it more interesting and cuter and funner. however, i do think you are crazy going so small! but i mean crazy in a good way,....like amazingly crazy. :)

July 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertasha

I love your colour choices. I think you're amazing with the projects you do. Very inspiring.

July 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLyn

Hi Kristyne, Your beautiful FW quilt block have been stunning me for weeks, I love it when I log on at my brekkie time and find your happy little blocks smiling at me! So when I was at the Chilford Autumn Quilt show today (I'm in the UK) and found the Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt book - I was over the moon with happiness! But having got home and started to read it I'm now a bit worried that I've bitten off more then I can chew! The instructions seem a tad lacking. Do I print off all the templates and draw round them, or is it best to just measure them. There doesn't seem to be any measurments in the book so how do I know if my templates have printed at the right size? Can you give me some pointers on how you approched it.
Thank you sweetie hope you realise what a little ray of sunshine you are :)

November 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSally

Wow - I just discovered your blog. I absolutely LOVE your fabric selections - can you tell me what line(s) you used?


November 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea Hoke
Okay. We do not have a problem with authority it's creative license that we seek!! I am having a hard time with the 6 inches finished or not (mine vary, they do!!) but at 4 1/2 you win!! You have a knack for little and very fitting too! lovely.
October 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterElaine
I so love and want to make this Quilt, but I'm confused , is there a pattern and list of fabrics that you used, and is there a way to go from #1 #2 #3 etc, in order that is? with directions, I see others are following ok so it must be me, Thanks for any help you can give me! My daughter is very fond of flowers and I think this would be perfect for her, " The Farmer's Wife Quilt"
October 28, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterElva Derby

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