Project Simplify - Day 21

Chapter Four is a sweet little table topper called Coming Home.
At Quilt Market in Houston last fall I met Robyn Pandolph and got a charm pack of her new line "Scarborough Fair".
I love it.
I also bought the FQ bundle.
I know, you're shocked ... ;)
Except for a few squares that I used in Last Chapter's quilt I haven't made anything with this fabric yet and I'm excited that I finally get to play with it.
Since the taupe/cream background fabric I'd planned for the last quilt didn't turn out, I'm going to give it another try for this quilt.
And FOR SURE this time I'm going to use pink for the border.
Promise! :)

Project Simplify,

Reader Comments (12)
LOVE that fabric line.....I would like to be inside Robyn Pandolph's head to see all of the beautiful florals she dreams up! This is going to be another beautiful quilt.
You are very brave to cut into all that beautiful fabric. I have some I believe will never get cut.
blessings, jilly
I love these colours - looking forward to seeing the finished quilt!!
I just love all those greens and blues. :)
Vivienne x
So pretty...I have hoards of Robyn Pandolph's Folk Christmas (? I think that is what it is mind went blank) lines that she did for Moda in the 90's. I actually met her back in the 90's when she was getting started at Painted Pony n' Quilts in La Porte, Texas..that is where I took my first quilt class. We have a lot in common, hope to meet you in person some day soon! Lisa in Texas
i love all your fabrics. All the florals and pastels so pretty!
I have her line Simply Irresistible, 37 f/q. Maybe your quilt will help me figure out what to do with it. I don't buy many pastels. I look forward to your quilt.
You are a flippin quilting machine!! I need to get a permament sewing machine set up. Currently I have one craft table that I have to weigh down with heavy boxes before I can use it to sew. I have a due date for my quilt project so i think il be ok for july ^_^
Just found your blog today - totally LOVE it! I stole a few pics from your blog and wrote a blog post linking back to your blog. I could not find an email address anywhere to write you and ask permission first. I hope you don't mind! I look forward to following your blog and I would love to have you come follow mine as well!
Oooh, can't wait to see -- I LOVE that fabric!!!
I just saw you on Camille's blog!!! She was gushing over your beautiful tote bag!
I'm so loving your fabric choice on the next chapter! So pretty!
Lucky Lisa
It's like ice cream colors only better!