Project Simplify - Day 20

Woohoo! Look who's getting all fancy with her swirly twirly FMQing by throwing in the occasional heart ...
This was fun (after I got over the trauma of my really lousy daisies and breaking thread and all).
When I was putting the binding on I did that silly thing of twisting the two joining ends ...
I love this gently scalloped edge. It's so much easier than severe scallops with all the inside corners to manouver.
The jury is still out as to whether the variegated thread was a good idea or not. What do you think?
Do you ever play that game with yourself where you try to pick your favorite block in a quilt you made? I thought it would be fun to ask my helper which was her favorite . She had a hard time deciding, but she chose this one ...
and this one ...
and this one ...
and this one ...
and this one ... :)
Mine is this one ... In fact, it was the inspiration for the name my helper gave this quilt.
She was telling me how she didn't like this one block because it was the only one with a dress on it. All the others had flowers. I told her I liked that one little block because it was daring to be different from the rest and that it looked like it was going to a party. Then my helper said, "Hey! I'm going to call this quilt Garden Party!"
Love it. Hope you do too. :)
I'm regretting a little bit that I went with the yellow border instead of the pink (I already got an "I told you so, Mom!"). I think it turned out a bit too quiet. Oh well. It still looks nice.
Now, I usually try to use up leftovers for the back, but since the fabrics came from my scrap bin, I luckily found some older Robyn Pandolph yardage that did the trick.
Stash Redux:
- Yardage - 4.4 yds / 4.1 m
- Weight - 1.2 lbs / 0.5 kg
For a grand total of:
- Yardage - 35.9 yds / 32.8 m
- Weight - 12.6 lbs / 6.9 kg
Feeling good!

Reader Comments (12)
It's beautiful! I love it. I worked on my first machine quilted (though not FMQ) baby quilt last night. I'm using the walking foot... but instead of straight lines, I'm just going all over and crossing myself, etc. I like it so much more than what I started doing and tore out. :) Now if I could just get my machine to cooperate!
Oh, this quilt is so pretty and feminine! It is just screaming.....please get a cup of tea and a fabulous romance novel and curl up with me!! I love the variegated thread and I often use it for machine quilting. Can't wait to see the next project......have a fabulous day!
Well done.
Hi Krystine,
Very well done! Although I understand that you regretted the yellow fabric, I still think it looks soft, warm and cheerful!
*pat on shoulder*
Beautiful Garden Party quilt!! Love your scalloped edges and your quilted hearts!
I'm impressed with your FMQ, your swirls are great and the hearts look like hearts, which is sort of the point, right? This quilt looks wonderful, even with the yellow border. The yellow keeps it looking very soft and feminine! I really like the scalloped edges, too. I am anxious to try them.
it is absolutely stunning!
OMG! (I usually do not say or type that, so consider it a compliment!!!) This is such a pretty quilt. I love it! You and I have very similar tastes and I would have usually gone for the pink too but I think it is great you are going outside your comfort zone and tried the yellow. You inspire me and I too will try a different color border on my next quilt! Thanks for the inspiration!!!
And those scallops are terrific!
This is indeed a charming garden quilt. Great job. I think yellow is wonderful. Where are the dollies and tea cups! My favorite so far.
Beauitful and sweet quilt all the way around. And how sweet that your "helper" loves everything you do and so wise. We should all be so blessed.
blessings, jilly
It came out great!! I love it, and I love the name you and your little helper came up with for it!! Kudos to you for persisting with the FMQ and getting over your perfectionism-- some day I will venture to do FMQ (but probably only on a block or small quilt) and I still struggle with letting go of my perfectionism. I like the gently scalloped edges, too. I'm glad you are pleased with it. Enjoy!!
The scalloped edge on this one really turns this quilt into something special : ) I love the yellow I told you so from me : )