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NO way! I can't deal with Snow in Septembler! We've been haveing 80 degree dry weather everyday, here in California. But we definately need RAIN!!! I want to bring those snow in the airplane and melt it here.
Oh no....It did snow!! Since my boys live in Alberta I keep an eye on the weather up there,,,the earliest snow I experienced while in Alberta was Sept. 13th (80's) - I went out and picked my carrots haha!! Now that I'm a quilter I would definitely be cuddling under some quilts while hand piecing the next one - ignoring the snow for the time being,. Keep warm and hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow and melt it.
Well, after I stopped myself from shooting myself, I guess you make a nice cup of hot chocolate and hope you wake up from the nightmare? Seriously, I feel for you. I'm in NJ and know that our turn is coming!
Wow! You received quite a bit more snow than we did up here. Impressive!. Ours melted and now it's just a drizzly rain. Cold, wet but thankful the snow didn't stay.
CRY, then QUILT! So sorry the soppy white stuff is hitting you so early. Our trees are already starting to lose some leaves...a full month early! Waaaaaahhhh....I wanna move south!
Snow in early September?? That is just plain cruel! I'd paint a shade with a scene of summer for that window and keep that shade down so that I didn't have to see the dreaded white stuff on the trees!
Omg, I would cry. And die a little inside. And be in denial and therefore drink summery drinks, like a lemonade. Or a margarita. And put on the heat and a tank top and pretend like it's not even happening.
Close the curtains and pretend you didn' tsee that! Curl up under oneof your quiltstill it passes. Had no idea it could snow in Sept! Our power has been out due to a bad sotrm that blew through ere,so I am catching up..
I am so sorry. When I saw the report on TV all I could do is laugh. Then My next thought was thank goodness it wasn't us. We are in the area with all the rain and flooding this year. We haven't recovered from last years disasters either. So thank you for taking the hit for us.....
Awful:-( I read about the polar vortex a few days ago, so I guess this is it. I would lock myself into my sewing room and not look up anymore until the snow was gone... if that were possible. Where do you live? Hope the weather soon gets better.
Wow! I'd really be doing the Happy Dance!!!!! We've been in a four year drought and everything is suffering so terribly…..plants, trees, animals. Please, please, please send some of that wonderful snow our way (I live in the U.S. - Nevada).
You're kidding, right? Snow in september ... there should be a law against it! The only thing you can do is grab a stack of wonderful spring/summer fabrics and sew against the snow;-)
Can I move in? :D I'll make a big pot of soup for you and everything. If I were you I'd curl up with a book and a mug of hot chocolate and just embrace it. It probably won't stick, and there won't be much if any shoveling, so you get all the prettiness of snow without the work. :D
I would put on some warm clothes and go outside. Walk in the beautiful white flakes falling down, breath in the crisp, sharp air, maybe even grab a handful and see if it makes a good snowball :) I LOVE the first snow of the year. Enjoy it!! LOL
Hey, it's Canada! From a fellow Canadian living in Southern Ontario there is no other country I'd rather live in than Canada. The weather, our diversity, it's safe etc. makes Canada the greatest place on earth to live. Enjoy the beauty of the snow, it will eventually melt.
This too shall pass.. That's the best I can in QC with very long winters..this would make me sad. But when we have no control..what can we do? Think of the pretty view outside your pretty new sewing room..and know that this too shall pass. It's a fluke..temporary.
The leaves are already on the ground and some geese have already honked by over here which usually means a loong cold winter coming (comme toi, Monique) - but it really shouldn't start in September!! That's just cruel. I've been noticing that Calgary seems to be getting the early snow (as well as the last in spring) more and more each year. That honour used to belong to Winnipeg. Or, as we call it, Winterpeg. My birthplace. That snow will melt soon enough. I would need no other excuse to curl up under a comfy quilt, toss a log on the fire and create with my hands :) In fact, why not reread the wonderful Sajou sewing book, hint hint. Remember, you still have the Chinook to look forward to!
I LOVE SNOW! First of all, go take a walk, cause it probably isn't that cold outside. Then come in and make a hot cup of tea. And then sew, sew, sew..................................... Sounds like a great day to me. Whatever you do....enjoy!
Oh my gosh!! I can't even wrap my mind around snow right now! You poor, poor dear! I am whining because it is only in the high 70's where I live, guess I better be thankful for them 70's, yikes!!
I'd watch the snow, grab some handsewing and a hot drink and while away the day hoping that Indian summer is just around the corner. We were hiking in Canmore last week and ran into snow at the higher altitudes, but this, snow in the city, is crazy! Come to Victoria. Sunny and warm today.
Well, it's not fair, for sure. Hopefully there wasn't so much that you actually had to shovel! But it will melt, for surely it's not yet here to stay. In the meantime, bundle up and carry on.
i would rejoice that you are all moved into the new house with double paned windows and LOTS in wonderful insulation! winter will not seem half as bad now. ;p
Fantastic! I would sit right there and sew, sew, sew. Beautiful scenery for sure. Get a mug of hot chocolate too, unless someone is playing a very elaborate trick on you with spray on snow and a lot of time on their hands...
On Saturday, September 2nd, it was 101 F here with rain at 5pm! (and this has been a VERY VERY mild heat summer for us) Weather!!!! What can you do but laugh at it, roll your eyes and enjoy Mother Earth's temperament (well, if you have a good central air system, that is.) Hope the idea that you could have 100+ temps instead makes the snow more appealing to you. It was 100F today...the net says it feels like 101F when it was 98 but that's not very accurate...feels more like 95. 'Course, I was only on the covered front porch, watering the succulents. LOL!
Well, now that I live in the Rockies and understand wanting to delay the inevitable snowfall, I would put on some Duran Duran cranked up really loud, and I would fix the mental picture of my old posters from the 80's in my mind, so that I wouldn't be thinking of the picture outside. And I would dance in defiance of the snow. And then, when I got tired, I would make a cup of my favorite tea and make some snickerdoodles. Then I would sew and quilt. Lastly, I would knit and watch British television.
Snow in September?!!? Could be a LONG winter. At least you can enjoy it in your beautiful new home and you can keep yourself busy with many unfinished projects.
mmmmmMOVE! I sometimes get tired of the Belgian weather, but when I see that you have snow in May and snow in September, I feel blessed for the mild weather we have here. I have a bad case of the winter blues each year, but have found that outdoor exercise helps to alleviate it, so I go jogging every chance I get. If I were you, I think I'd have to take up langlaufing, or take long winter walks... I do not envy you!
Reader Comments (55)
Where do you live?
Hope the weather soon gets better.
Take care,
That's the best I can in QC with very long winters..this would make me sad.
But when we have no control..what can we do?
Think of the pretty view outside your pretty new sewing room..and know that this too shall pass.
It's a fluke..temporary.
That snow will melt soon enough. I would need no other excuse to curl up under a comfy quilt, toss a log on the fire and create with my hands :) In fact, why not reread the wonderful Sajou sewing book, hint hint.
Remember, you still have the Chinook to look forward to!
We were hiking in Canmore last week and ran into snow at the higher altitudes, but this, snow in the city, is crazy! Come to Victoria. Sunny and warm today.
Only two things to do.....put on some soup in the crock pot.....and QUILT!
What fun!
oh, i would sew, too! ;p
Well, now that I live in the Rockies and understand wanting to delay the inevitable snowfall, I would put on some Duran Duran cranked up really loud, and I would fix the mental picture of my old posters from the 80's in my mind, so that I wouldn't be thinking of the picture outside. And I would dance in defiance of the snow. And then, when I got tired, I would make a cup of my favorite tea and make some snickerdoodles. Then I would sew and quilt. Lastly, I would knit and watch British television.
You asked. ;) *hugs*