good news & bad news ... and some more news

The good news is: Yesterday I discovered a lovely little french patisserie - rated one of the top 5 in the city!
The bad news is: It's less than a block from my new house.
Is pastry high in iron? No? Humph. Too bad I wasn't butter deficient. ;)
* * * * *
No we haven't moved yet. This process is turning out to be like labour - painfully slow. And messy. And unpredictable. And hard. And while you're in the middle of it you swear you are EVER!
We were supposed to take possession of our new house today. Let's just say there was a miscommunication between the bank and the lawyer. It's been delayed until Monday. I was only slightly panicked for most of the day. But I'm really lucky because my lawyer and I have been good friends for like 30 years. My realtor is also one of my best friends. And my builder is a super awesome guy.
And thank goodness we still have our old house until the end of the month.
* * * * *
And thank you all, by the way, for your fantastic advice about iron deficiency. I've been low before, just never this bad. (If you are medical at all and are curious - 'cause I would be if I were you - my hemoglobin was 77. If you're not medical, it is supposed to be about 120.) No wonder I was wheezing like Wylie Coyote chasing Roadrunner whenever I climbed a flight of stairs! LOL! I'm starting to notice some improvement now. I can tell because we have a nice walking routine thru a large park and when we do the "short loop" there's a bit of a nasty hill to climb. A few months ago I was so out of breath when I got to the top I could taste blood. I couldn't talk and it took several blocks for me to catch my breath. I just thought I was like so totally super out of shape and kind of horrified about that. But yesterday on our walk I made it up the hill no problem. I could talk (almost) normally at the top and recovered quickly.
I'm also sleeping better. I really honestly thought the reason I was so tired all the time was because I wasn't getting enough good sleep. But I don't feel that oh-my-god-I-would-sell-my-entire-fabric-stash-for-a-nap-right-now exhausted anymore.
I found a suppliment pill that doesn't bother me. And I do wash it down with orange juice. I know about the citrus helping with absorption. But what I DIDN'T know was that tea was not good for taking iron. So I was wasting my morning dose because I always have a cup of tea in the morning! Now I wait a little while for my tea. So thank you for that tidbit. I've tried liquid iron before. It worked well too. I might switch to it when the pills run out.
Someone mentioned a parasite was the cause of her friend's anemia. That sounded horrifying. I'm so sorry that even happens. Yikes! I'm happy to say that mine can be chalked up to "natural causes". (Sorry if this is getting a bit too personal. It's Friday nite, I can't sew, I can't take pretty pictures and I needed a break so I just sat down here at my computer to say hi. I guess for me hi = a mild/moderate dose of too much information.)
I miss you guys. I am SO not at all enjoying not sewing and blogging. I feel super guilty for not even having a pretty photo to show you. There isn't a corner in my house that isn't upside down. But Auntie Jill is here. She arrived yesterday. You know how awesome my sister is? She's forcing us to eat our cupboards bare. That's right. For dinner tonite we had a combination of canned beans, toast with jam, fruit and artichoke hearts. And sweet potato chips. I am not kidding.
All I want to do these days is find things to get rid of so I don't have to move it. I went to the bottle depot yesterday. That felt good. Today I returned library books and then made my first ever trip to a pawn shop. I know, so arbitrary, right?! But you know how jewelry tends to just collect in your drawer? I'm not much of a jewelry girl myself. But this stuff has multiplied somehow over my lifetime - from relatives and gifts and ... you know, that sort of thing ... stuff that I will never wear. They have no sentimental value to me. Some of them I have no idea where they came from. Some of them are just dated. Some broken. So. I took a handful of gold pieces to a pawn shop and walked out with enough cash to buy a couple of take-out dinners when we move. Call me crazy but that felt awesome!
Ok. I really only thought I was going to tell you about my new bakery find. Wasn't expecting to blurt out all that other stuff. Hope you have a lovely summer weekend, wherever you are. I'll be packing while my sister finds us more exciting meals to eat - like shrimp and prunes and mustard and granola bars. She might even toss in a bay leaf or two.
xo k

Reader Comments (31)
I already have moving stress and my house is not even on the market yet, ha ha! Tuesday the realtor is coming over to take the pictures that will go online. Cleaning and tyding today, and it is soooooo airconditioning here. I think I shall put that on my has-to-have-list instead of my wish-list for my new home. Do hope to sell my flat soon. Can take many months or even years ( yikes!) but the housing market is doing better now, so I am giving it a try.
I do hope you will feel even better soon!!!
Quick question, how's is your 1/2" hexie quilt coming along? You have inspired a friend and I to each start one of our own!!!!!!! Two dianmonds down, don't know how many more to go but we are LOVING it;)!
miss k, i have been taking the liquid b12 under my tongue for over a year. it's cheap. it's easy. and, it can be taken with tea or coffee. has it helped me? i don't feel different but my blood work shows i am at normal levels again. ;p
we all miss you too. once you're in that new house you will be doing a jig! it WILL be worth it! ;p
Moving stress doesn't help, either. Our kitchen remodel is finally done, and I celebrated this morning by baking sourdough bread and making banana pudding, neither of which are necessarily healthy foods, both of which make me feel like I have my own little patisserie here. First time in two months I haven't cooked using a portable burner, toaster oven, or microwave. Bliss!!
And I may or may not have also celebrated by taking over half the kitchen island to audition fabric for a quilt, but no one has to know that.
Get some rest!
When you write it is like having you sitting across the kitchen table from us. Oh what fun it is to get a glimpse into the incredible life of Ms. K. After you shared your story of the trip for a colonoscopy, anything you share now is mild by comparison. Ah, I still chuckle when I think about the descriptions in that post! When I reread it a while back, it again caused me to laugh so hard that I had tears and snot running down my face.
While iron deficiency is not a funny subject, when it is caught and you look back on how it affected you before you got better, you can find the humor. Being a klutz can have its advantages because you can tell if your bruises are taking too long to heal. Remember that when the doc lets you go off the supplements!
May you have a happy move when you get to start next week. Until then, enjoy discovering what from your cabinets really should never be eaten together.
Then I had an OBGYN appointment at that time of the month and told the dr I couldn't have a Pap smear due to it ..... the dr said oh yes you can and I said about how much ....etc and I just broke down and cried kind of surprised the dr ... so from there testing and I was very low iron and had huge fibroid and I had the all the female parts removed. For me it was so great to be able to plan ahead and not worry that if it came I couldn't go anywhere as I'd often need to change my clothes.
Now it's years and years later and I've learned I did not have to endear years of embarrassment and pain and cancelled events there are treatments but you need to tell your dr about what is going on the dr doesn't know if you don't speak up. I did not know that it wasn't that way for all women I didn't say anything and since it was an uncomfortable subject for me I avoided conversations about it.
So .... so glad you are seeing your dr and doing the best you can to take care of your self. Remember your children are learning from you all the time and of course you want them to take good care of themselves and each other.
I am a midwife, totally understand the 'lady' issues, as well as low iron. It's often the little things that health professionals forget to tell you - like not drinking tea when taking iron tablets, or ensuring you have orange juice to help with the absorption, but I was most pleased to read others have advised you re this!!
Take care of yourself, take naps, try to enjoy the process of shifting house - it's been a long time coming, and this is part of your home's story now! Keep posting when you can. Hugs and best wishes, Barb
Every time we move I try to make sure I have one or two small things left out at all times that are fun for me that I can focus on when I need to take a stress break. Usually it's a good book and some hand stitching projects.. My kids also do the same and so far it works for us :).
Hang in there and remember to take a break when you need to. It will all be over soon! Cindy
Good luck with your move. And I hope you continue to feel better.