pink fabric pull

Few things are more fun for me than pulling fabrics for a new project ... especially when I end up with something that looks like this. (At the risk of stating the obvious, I'll be adding a little embroidery as well.)
By the way, these are Japanese prints by Lecien and Quilt Gate. They've all been in my stash for years and I'm still a little reluctant to use them. Silly, I know. I'm trying to be better about using my favourite fabrics instead of hoarding them. Besides, this is another small project - the largest piece I need is maybe 3" x 6". I don't think it'll kill me to part with so little.

Reader Comments (20)
Can't wait to see what it becomes. The fabrics are lovely :)
Happy weekend my friend,
V xxx
I'm also finding that saving a few scraps and making hexies from them for later seems to alleviate some of the sting of using up a favorite fabric.
I'm really trying to justify buying some of that lovely floss to try. But I have 4 boxes of DMC at the moment, so it seems like SUCH a splurge to buy anything new....
I love your photos; beautiful coordinated fabrics and the cute embroidery thread - oh - such a breath of prettiness. Thank you! ~Shari
Now about YOUR beautiful fabrics. I LOVE them! So pretty. Can't wait to read the blog when they are sewn into another beautiful creation!
Among my favourites, I have 2 FQ bundles of Anna Griffin fabric (Chinoiserie et Juliette {my cat's name- she recently passed away}) that I just can't bring myself to cut into. I unfold each one, have ironed and re-ironed all, then gently place them back on the shelf. How seriously do I love my spartan stash? I'd love a new place for all my family crystal & china so I can use my china cabinet as a showcase.
My collections of rubber stamps & paper get the same adoring love ;)
Looking forward seeing what you do with those beautiful pinks .
happy pink week !