ellis & higgs ... and spoonflower!

I spent part of the weekend putting away Christmas ... but not quite everything Christmasy went back in a box.
Last month a dear friend introduced me to ellis & higgs. It's become one of my favourite blogs to visit. The first time I was over there I discovered that Nadra - the author - designs her own fabric on Spoonflower. Her third collection Holly Jolly was just too adorable to resist so I treated myself with some fat quarters.
They arrived a few days before Christmas and oh my are they ever pretty! I have no idea what I'm going to make with this yummy fabric, but it'll have a place of prominence in my stash until I dare take my rotary cutter to it!
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I also totally forgot let you all know that Kathleen B in New York won the Sew Deerly Loved giveaway! (Thank you Tracey for reminding me!) I have another very nice giveaway coming soon so stay tuned, ok? :)

Reader Comments (11)
Great new stash!!!
Have fun with those fabrics!