Something Old, Something New

How was your weekend? Mine started with a sick child who generated a LOT of extra laundry ... she's not as practiced as her younger sister at aiming for "the bucket". However, that little bit of yucky didn't last long and we're finally enjoying signs of Spring. Robins & chickadees are very chatty ... and the grass is doing its best to turn green ... I even opened a window in the house! I have missed watching my curtains gently move with the breeze.
Speaking of Spring, that is exactly what my latest sewing project reminds me of ... fresh & new & pretty and oh so welcomed! I think my old/new pillowcases made with reclaimed vintage lace and some brand new fabric turned out pretty well.
It's rare I use such beautiful fabric within days of purchasing it. I usually buy fabric because I love it, not because I know what I'm going to do with it. But this was different. I knew the moment I laid eyes on this dreamy ticking stripe that it would become pillowcases. And it feels really good to have finally found a way to give this vintage lace a new purpose ... after sitting in my cupboard for nearly a decade.
My idea to hide the damage on the lace worked like a charm.
I lost a bit of detail on the lace, but none of the prettiness.
Happily, the fabric was about 4" wider than I needed. So when I cut that excess off the entire length of my yardage, I had this lovely stripe left over.
I was careful not to cut the lace anywhere - it's still intact under that trim, just in case I (or someone else in the distant future) need to salvage it again.
The first pillowcase went together easily. The second, however, offered me a few challenges.
A) One piece of lace was too short. I had another small bit that I thought would make up the difference ...
B) but even together the joined pieces were still not quite long enough (short by less than an inch!) So I used the fabric's stripe again to span the gap (and cover the raw edges) while appearing to be an intentional "decorative detail". I quite like how it looks.
and C) I was about 2" shy from the border I cut off the entire length of yardage ... but I was able to piece it too.
This right here explains exactly why so many of us quilters buy "too much" fabric ... because we've been caught too many times with just a few inches short of enough. Sometimes ... oftentimes ... we can make do, improvise, change direction, etc. But sometimes it's a real heartbreaker.

Reader Comments (26)
This may be a good time to ask...but not as easy to answer. When buying fabric that you do not have a plan for what amount do you buy?
xx Kim
I have no idea how to make lace like that,but a simple croched edging can look lovely also,many tutorials online.
Loved reading about this..gorgeous fabric goes without saying, Tanya Whelan is really something else. Love her designs.
Hope your little one is much better!
S x