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"Would You Rather ... ?"

*     *     *   Warning:  Today's post contains a little potty humour   *     *     *


My girls - 10 & (almost) 12 - have this "game" where they ask if you'd rather do gross/embarrassing thing #1 or gross/embarrassing thing #2.  For example, "Would you rather eat a handful of worms or poop your pants in class?"

It's very entertaining for kids.  I get it.  Although I thought being a mom of only girls would have spared me from being asked these sorts of questions.  Apparently I was wrong.  Oh so very wrong.  And wow do they ever get creative with their scenarios.

How does this relate to quilting, you're probably wondering?

Well, it got me thinking about what I'd rather do than pin a quilt sandwich together.

I could probably come up with at least a million things.

However, I would definitely rather pin a quilt than eat a handful of worms or poop my pants in public.  

Children sure do have a way of helping me put things into perspecitve.

One year ago today ...

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Reader Comments (11)

My trouble with pin basting a large quilt is the prep work of cleaning the floor that it will be laid upon. Apparently I hate cleaning floors more than pin basting quilts. Thinking of switching entirely to spray basting and just hope that I don't overspray too much. Girls are great - you will at least get the inside jokes more so than the boys humor, or at least I should think so.
May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer
I think there are worse things than pin basting a quilt. You could run out off pins because there're a lot of quilting tops waiting to actually get quiltet. Or after you basted aou quilt and finally sit down on your sewing machine to FMQ you could accidentally and careless run the needle through your finger. Things should have happend (btw the needle accident happend on sunday but everything is okay now:-) So all in all I rather pin basting my quilt then run out off pins or put a needle through my finger.
May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHildy
You SO CRACK ME UP! That is why I love following your blog. Your writing is as funny as the beauty of your pictures, and the clarity of your instructions . Thank you!
May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterShelley
sadly, where I work, no one would even blink if I were to poop my pants. That being said, I'd totally rather be pin basting a quilt top!
May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDana
I tried pin basting one time,I hated it. I spray baste only using 3M 505, it is heaven! You need such a little bit to hold it all together! Try it on a small project,you will be in love! However, you get excellent results,so why change? I have never even had a pucker with spary basting,would love for you to try it!
Your quilt is moving right along!!!
May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie Nyquist
Your posts are such a hoot--sure you aren't a member of the late 80s The Mommies comedy team?! Our daughter's high school softball team thought it was cool to burp out loud, which our kid will still do at home. They also thought it was cool to "beast it" by picking each other up, etc. which also carried over into cheerleading stunts.
These days, she's a college kid and a courteous barista when she's at work. (BTW I have pooped my pants in a classroom only it was during summer--no public around, whew!) I baste on the floor with a needle and thread and would choose that any day!
May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDelcia Rosenow
Way too funny! I also HATE pinning a quilt sandwich and would do ALMOST anything else! As a matter of fact, I have a couple quilts to pin now that are just sitting there because I don't want to pin them. I think I'll head straight to the store to get the basting spray that Bonnie suggested. I have an 11 year old step-daughter that also loves that game. Girls ?!? Go figure :) ... lol... Thanks for the laughs!
May 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCassie A
I have a son . . . and four daughters, so I know what you are talking about! What your girls are saying now is mild. LOL At least my kids knew they could talk to me about anything and everything. (And still do.)
May 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnn Ostermann
I am around boys a lot (grandsons) and they think anything gross is funny, I have to admit some of the things they come up with are. I opened an online quilt shop plus a store front and I'm always worried about what they are going to say or do in front of customers. So far they make the customers laugh also. Love reading your blog and love your tutorials, keep up the good work.
May 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTrina
Hmmph, I don't know, I can recall a few algebra lessons where I'd have welcomed ANY form of distraction ;-) Pin basting really does test my love of a quilt though! I'm a newcomer to your blog and really enjoying it!
May 31, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHelen
You are too funny! :)
June 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterXanthe Grundy

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