How This Quilter Mends Pants

Ok. I hate mending. Seriously. I would rather make something from scratch than mend. Even hemming pants or reattaching a button ... yuckeroni.
If I can figure out how to turn a mending chore into some semblance of a quilting task ... well ... THAT is something altogether different.
This is a pair of my daughter's leggings with not one, but two holes. (She's an overachiever in this department.)
Not expensive. And she'll probably outgrow them next week.
But never mind. I've got an idea.
* * * *
I drew a few hearts on my computer, printed them out, traced them onto fusible web, made fusible patches from pretty coordinating fabric (Lecien's Flower Sugar) & found matching thread.
Then I spent all of about 10 minutes at my sewing machine.
Only the top and bottom hearts are covering holes. But they're so far apart I thought it would look better with a few connecting elements.
I don't think anyone would ever guess this was a patch job!
AND she really likes them. Bonus!

Reader Comments (24)
Cute, creative, and not over the top obvious! Very nice. You're a great Mom.
They look great. Fantastic job.
Well done
Leave it to you to turn a pair of holey stretch pants into a work of art!!! :)
Great idea! I mend my granddaughters' leggings the same way. They are twins and they love hearts. Have a nice day!
Still clapping!!!!!! :)
V x
What a beautiful fix!
Now she'll make the holes on purpose because she'll know Mama will make them prettier than before;-)Hildy
lol, it's a standing ovation in my house!! i love the lace trim on the leggings...that alone makes them worthy of the hearts! nicely done! ;p
where are those haters now?? hmmmm? look what they are missing out on. ;p
How stinkin' adorable! You rock!
Wild uproarious cheers and rounds of applause!!!!!!! Love it!
Could you hear me clapping from the Netherlands?
I once did a patch job for my sons jeans with some fabric with army print.
But this would be cute for my little girls too.
Applause indeed! Now I know what to do w/my grand-daughters denim leggings. Said it before and I'll say it again - you're amazing. No, I said you're a sewing savant. Either way, you're mighty good - and I'm so glad I found you. And many thanks for the email about the mystery BOM. I look forward to your posts more than any other I receive notice of.
I'm guessing you have a free arm on your machine? It's so super duper cute! I don't know if my little girls' tights could fit around my big honkin' sewing machine arm. Worth a try though... I love scrappy, patchy anything!
Great job! Love it!
I can see it now, mama buys new one,s they say put hearts on them mama!!! So dreative,great job. Lecien looks good on anything!! Just the right touch!
Such a creative idea to patchwork with sweet hearts! Love it!! xo Heather
So how DO you sew on little openings like that? They look awesome!
I love it! Very unique and no one else will have a pair like them!
I'm thinking the overcast stitch is just for looks--the hearts are fused on, right?
Very Nice. I love a good mending job, yours is awesome!
Great idea ! It's lovely !
Well deserved applause too. You earn them. The very cleverness of you....I love it. XD
darn those monkeys who run on their knees! lol
great idea and super cute patches. they look just like they came from the store. {which is better for the kids who don't like mom-made}