Daisychain Sampler "Y"

Find original pattern here.
This letter makes me smile.
Wanna know "Y"?
(LOL! Ah geez, sometimes I just crack myself up ... !)
It reminds me of Laura Ingalls from "Little House on the Prairie". Laura had long brown braids.
I remember a scene from one of the books where Ma was in a hurry getting Laura and Mary ready for church and accidentally tied Laura's pink ribbons onto Mary's braids and Mary's blue ribbons onto Laura's.
Laura noticed the mistake right away, but didn't say anything because she was so happy that she got to wear something different. She stared at them all thru Mass.
I have absolutely NO idea WHY I remember that from some 35 years ago ... but I do. And it makes me smile.
See? Totally looks like braids. That chain stitch is amazing ... one of the coolest stitches I know.

Reader Comments (10)
Very cool stitch! And I do love the "Little House" reference! Caroline Ingalls is one of my heros. :)
Love your braid! And 'Little House' too, of course;-) Hildy
Y? Because we LIKE you! From the Mickey Mouse Club song! I loved Little House, too! ;p
Yes! I love that correlation! And the chain stitch freaks me out... actually I don't think I've ever tried it.... but I want to make pretty braids like you did on your fabric! I also love the background fabric you are doing this on - it is so sweet and I like the texture it gives more than just a plain muslin or linen. This sampler is going to be such an heirloom!
It makes me smile too. I also remember it and loved watching that show along with the Waltons. Been quitely visiting your blog for quite a while now and thought I just have to comment on this lol.
That is just the prettiest I have ever seen! Love your little pink on it, I wish I could do that. I wish you had an ETSY shop so you could make a DVD of each stitch and sell a kit with your beautiful colors! i just don't now how to do the fancy stitches you do!!! Your background fabric is just beautiful also.
How timely your "braids" are! I am leaving tomorrow to go to Mansfield, Missouri and visit Laura's home and museum along with my mom and daughter! Can't wait to see Z and the completed stitchery. It is soooo cute :-)
Beautiful! I love embroidery. I'm not generally crafty, but it's the one thing I learned in my childhood that I can see myself attempting again some day. Clare (Birgitte's cousin (in-law?))
Playing around on your blog again today. Your "Daisy Chain" Sampler is absolutely beautiful. I've only recently started following you due to my obsession with Pinterest. Have you finished this project. How? I'd love to see the end result and haven't found it.
Thank you.