Whatcha Doin'?

No really. I'm curious. What are you working on? A quilt? Embroidery? A DIY decor project? Something else? Too many things?
I'm doin' these ...
... all 52 of 'em.
With these ...
... to keep me company.
(SO wishing I had a magic wand right now!)


Reader Comments (33)
Good morning, I am currently working on the ABC Sampler. I have finished my "a" and am loving it already. Your work inspires me as does your blog. First thing when I get to work and login, I check your blog to see what's new, then at 10:00 break work on my sampler and wish I were retired and sitting with a cup of coffee stitching.
Thank you again for your blog and your inspiration. If I knew how, I would post my progress.
Packing my cases, I'm off to the south of France next week, woohooooo! :)
Happy weekend Kristyne,
V xxxxxxxxx
Hi there, I've been embroidering a knitted bag and adding a lovely cotton floral lining to it this week, check it out on my blog if you have the chance......and if you love it you can enter the giveaway for the bag too.
Next project is a jubilee knit to link in with the Queens 60th Jubilee celebrations here in the UK at the beginning of June...exciting!!
Have a lovely weekend.
Fleur xx
I'm starting a table topper and hand quilting a quilt. More excited about the table topper.
Oh my goodness. The patience it must take to make those sweet circles! Yet another reason you are my quilting hero! I LLLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEE your magical cup of tea, K! Cinderella!!! My hubby, the kids, and I just returned from THE best vacation ever at Walt DisneyWorld! I was able to check in on your blog a couple of times while we were gone. We had the time of our lives, and of course, I am full of ideas for Disney themed quilts now. :) Your Cinderella mug makes me so happy! What am I doing? I'm trying to finish up my first ever cabled knitting project. A scarf knit out of soft yarn the color of espresso or dark chocolate. And then, I need to get busy on my Ruby quilt for "Ruby"! Have a wonderful weekend!
Making bunting banners for my friend's wedding... just 2 weeks away! :) And also, sashes for the bride and bridesmaids, still working on her veil, with scalloped bead trim and cap sleeves to add to her store-bought dress. Yikes! And all that in my "spare time"! :)
Really enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing!
I am going to start 3 Sue Garman Block of the Months this weekend!! I am so excited.
Have you heard of the Magic Circle Templates (I think that is the name)? They are wonderful. I bought them off Ebay since the stores in Red Deer did not have any. Worth their weight in gold!
I can't wait to see the quilt you are working on!
Just packed my suitcase for a vacation! I'm trying to decide if I want to pack my hexi templates and fabric... it might be nice to have a little break from sewing. Did I just say that?!
I've got several projects going now, which makes my OCD go crazy! I much prefer to work on one thing at a time. So, I'm hand quilting a large quilt, embroidering a table cloth and napkins, and also embroidering some flower patches. I'm not sure what to do with them when finished. Maybe put on a quilt? Wow, that's a leap, isn't it? LOL!
Have a great day making circles!
I cut out pieces for some bee blocks but I had to put my sewing machine away because we're listing our house this week and potential buyers won't understand that the kitchen nook is my sewing space. :( So, now I'm dreaming of all the things I'd love to be sewing or quiting!
Too many things, of course! First is my hexie doll quilt, then a baby quilt (top finshed, 'only' need to quilt it ... and a few other quilts;-), next is my Schnibbles pattern, a little bit of embroidery (who am I kidding? a LOT of embroidery) and please don't get me started on the household.
Wish you a wonderful weekend and please send the good fairy over to me (love your cup), Hildy
Hey Kristyne!
I discovered your blog a little over a week ago! Since then I've read each of your posts! What a treat!
About a month ago, I bought this pattern online!
Just last week, I was able to start it. Last night while watching Leave It To Beaver, with the family :O) I finished the running stitch and buttons. Hopetully, today I'll get the sides attached!
Thank you so much for the time you share with us on your blog! You seem like such a fun person and your blog is truly enjoyable!
Trying to finish a quilt for my teenage niece, but it's taking fooooooooreeeeeever, because I have other priorities to do! I have numerous WIP's (or UFO's, if you will) to complete as well. Ay, yi, yi, yi....... ;-)
I am in the process of making a 'Heart Felt Christmas" counting book from a pattern of "Natalie Ross in Stitches" - actually I am making two at the same time for both my son's family and my daughter's family. I know Christmas is quite a way off but it is a big project!! I am also making a doll's sleeping bag and am about to start on my second ABC sampler as I gave my first one to my daughter. The first one I used embroidery thread and the one I am making for myself I am using the Appleton wool thread which I have not used before so I am looking forward to starting on this. I enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing your many projects.
I'm working on a xmas gift...and, i'm making doll quilts from Nana Co's blog. ;p I'd send you pics but I still haven't firgured out how to upload pics from my new camera to my laptop or how to resize them so that they are gigantic! ;p Please don't make me read the directions...please? ;p
I am working on a terrain sparkle punch if I can make myself actually sew instead of looking at all the things other people are sewing ;)
What am I doing....a little of this and a lot of that. I am working on a SWOON quilt made with taupe and blueberry crumb cake. I am on block 8 out of 9. Plugging along slowly on this. Also just finished fusing little wool pices for a Primitive Gatherings Pin Cushion. The big fun right now is daily visits to my daughter and son-in-law's house to visit them and my newest grandson, Luke. There is nothing better than a cuddly new baby, and he is such a sweet baby. Kristy in Ohio
I love your blog it is so inspiring to a novice like me. I am currently learning to quilt and oh boy, do I have quilt envy. I am making my very first patchwork heart cushion (I hope to post some progress pictures soon) and have almost finished a tiny pincushion using my first hexagon block. I have been more productive with my knittng this week - a lovely soft Jubilee Inspired rug - if you take a look, do let me know what you think as I have put it for sale on Etsy but it is my very first make, I have decided to sell so I am not feeling too confident. You know what its like - you always wonder if everyone else likes whhat you create.
I love your creations and your wondeful blog!
I SHOULD be working on a lot of things to finish them up but have decided to start something new......and read blogs this weekend. I plan on making 4 of the Nanacompany doll quits....they are just too cute for 4 little baby doll carring nieces for Christmas. I think that they will just LOVE them! Love your blog and read it everyday. Thank you for always giving me insipiration.
Since I just learned/realized last night how unbelievably easy a disappearing 9-patch is, I'm currently concocting a plan to make one with Half Moon Modern fat quarters. :) I also need to work on the postage stamp quilt (using Hello Luscious) that I'm making for a friend. Oh, and a baby blanket for a coworker... and yard work... and finish reading a book for Book Club...
So I guess my answer is: Too many things! :)
Hi I just finished two totes for my Nieces B"Days and a Quilted Bed Runner for my Sister's 65th.So right now I am looking for a project and I think I am going to do a Schnibbles pattern called Sunday Best with Vintage Modern Charm Pacls.I enjoy your blog as soon as I see your email it is the first one that gets opened.Thank you
Making a disappearing nine patch in Black, White and PINK! for my cousin's little girl's (ex-roommate's best friend's boyfriend's landlord's... kidding :P ) new big girl bed :)
I am trying to finish a quilt in my free time for my guild's quilt show. The show is in less than 30 days and I still do not have a top. Eek! But hopefully, bibbitty bobbetty boo! And we will both be done!
Bunny Hill's Merry, Merry Snowman, a BIG Miss Rosie's quilt, cutting pieces for a dresden plate quilt, In Colour Order's HST block, FW blocks, some hexies etc, etc,. Get the picture?????? We are all tarred with the same brush us quilters.
Right now I am just finishing off a huge bean bag floor cushion and some pretty feeding aprons for a lovely little girl that comes to stay with us each month. She's coming over later today and I'm really hoping she likes her new Peppa Pig bean bag.
Then I really need to start of 3 baby quilts for friends babies that are due this summer.
Love your blog - thank-you so much for taking the time to inspire us all. x
I have a few projects in progress: a french braid tree skirt for a Christmas gift (it's never too early to start making gifts!); 2 hot dog pillowcases and window curtains to match a mermaid quilt that I made for my granddaughter last Christmas; I'm hand appliquing flowers on the border of a blue and yellow quilt; and I'm making 2 of your wonderful pouches for my sons in "manly colors"to hold their art pencils and whatever (just because I love making them!) Enjoying your blog and now I'm really curious as to what you are making with that great new fabric.
Love the bibidi bobidy boo mug!!! I love getting to see it up close and personal! You are the magic wand for the rest of us! You create magic right before our very eyes. Right now I am trying to finish a queen anne's lace scarf, a crochet baby blanket, a ribbed crochet scarf (can you say getting ready for Christmas early this year?) and dreaming about my next quilt project. I also worked on some EPP this week, and am getting the yo yo urge again and planning my next scrap quilt hoping to use up some old darker colors of Art to Heart stash - thinking a Log Cabin a la Fig Tree pattern... oh ya - and what I am supposed to be doing and procrastinated all week? A fabric covered journal for a gift - due tomorrow (!) fun free pattern from All People Quilt... I guess I better get back there and get er done... I just popped in to see if I could catch some more eye candy inspiration and wa-la here you are! Have a great rest of the weekend! :o)
I've spent the day with 2 very good friends sewing. I was working on my second Merry Mayhem #134. I gave my first one to a good friend in Canada and I just had to make a second one!
Love your blog. I find it so peaceful and calming - so beautiful. Love your stories!
Hi Kristyne!!
I just finished the same Dolly quilt Ina is working on, it was sooo much fun! Today I'm cutting sashing for a signature quilt that needs to be done by next month...YIKES!! I see your making Yo-Yo's the HARD way! You really must get yourself a Clover Yo-Yo maker!!!! They are AWESOME! I made a bazillion yo-yo's for Bunny Hill's Yo-Yoville quilt I'm working on and each one of them turned out perfect! Get yourself one you will love it!
Hugs! Lucky Lisa :)
I am following a New York Beauty QAL, but instead of doing one or two blocks a week, I decided to do seven and make a quilt for my oldest son. It is black, red, yellow, blue, green, orange and purple and so far, so good. I cant wait to see your FW blocks!!
I'm still working on my hexies...over halfway now though so the end is in sight but I'm still enjoying each one I make! And I'm cleaning my conservatory - I'm sick of polishing windows!!! I know you've finished the circle now so I don't have to wish you luck, I just have to tell you (again!) how fabulous the quilt is!!
Wow! Those are so pretty! That's the one craft I can't get a grasp on...I can knit like crazy, but going to one needle (hook) just blows my mind!
Spring stuff. Paper and parcels and labels and it's all got to go in the post tomorrow. Who's idea was this anyway!?
oh yeah...