Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

We have to say goodbye to someone special today ... my daughter's Grade 3 teacher (who also taught my older daughter). As far as teachers go our family has been pretty lucky, but Mrs M really topped them all.
She got married last summer and in September when we found out she'd be my daughter's teacher for the second year in a row (yay!) I informed her that she & her husband were allowed to ... you know ... "get busy" in another month because we needed her until the end of June.
Jokingly of course.
Sort of.
Sometimes I say inappropriate things like that to people, especially if I've known them for a while. But she got this weird look on her face. I thought she was just a little surprised that a parent would say something that ... personal. A few months later I learned the reason for that look ... she had NOT waited for my permission to get busy!
Anyhow we are all very happy and excited about her new arrival due later this month. But we're also very sad to lose the best teacher ever.
My daughter - the same little munchkin who made this,
and this,
really wanted to make her a farewell gift. So here's what she did.
Found a font she liked for the letter "J", Mrs M's first initial, and printed it out. I gave her a piece of white fabric, she picked a floss color, grabbed my light board and got to work.
The note on her Template says "Don't throw out! Thx :)" Apparently my children are used to me tossing out unidentified bits paper they leave lying around.
She stitched this up in about 25 minutes.
Did I mention she's 9? You can't see me here but my chest just exploded all over my keyboard with that special & unique sort of pride that can only be known by a mama for her little one. You know, the kind that can reduce you to a puddle of tears? Especially if you have PMS? (Excuse me for a sec while I go get the mop ...)
When she finished the embroidery, however, she didn't know what to do with it. I suggested a lavender sachet ... 'cause ... well ... what can I say ... I'm just really excellent at solving crafting emergency problems.
Another 25 minutes later and we had this ...
I wish you could smell it.
Happy motherhood, Mrs M. We will miss you!

Reader Comments (15)
Love it! What a sweet daughter and student :)
What a lovely present for a great teacher!!
AWE! This is the cutest thing ever! I love the story! Your daughter is very sweet!
How sweet! That is beautiful!
That is just the sweetest thing...I love your daughters!! Doesn't it make such a HUGE difference knowing they have a fab teacher. Last year, Cayla had THE best grade 1 teacher, this year? Notsomuch. Let's hope for better next year!
Awe, well done to your daughter, excellent stitching!! :)
It is sad when you lose a good teacher!
Imagine though not obeying your instructions, tut, tut. ;)
V x
She takes right after her mom,isn't that grand? Think how thrilled that teacher will be to receive that special gift,love the backing fabric too. Just precious. Do I have a feeling a baby initial is coming next? Like ot hang on a door knob?
o.k. Crying now. That was soooooo sweet. I love your girls (and you!)
What a beautiful gift! I'm sure that Mrs. M will treasure it forever. Your daughter did wonderful stitching.
Oh my! That is just lovely!! And you should be proud - she is amazing!!! I think her teacher is going to cry - it really touched me! :O) I love that you get to share your gifts teaching your daughters - looks like they are following in your footsteps and my oh my the things you ladies are going to do!!! Some day, if they blog, I will stalk, er, follow them too! Good job ladies! Way to go mom and daughter team! (ps thanks for the heads up on how to get lovely writing on fabric - my hand writing isn't too great and I love the idea of using a font from the computer! Wowsers! I am so excited at the possibilities! Hope I can do it as well as your little one! :O)
Beautiful stitching! Love the font and the idea of a lavendar sachet! She will love it! :)
That is so beautiful and so is your daughter!
That is so gorgeous and special! I would be a very proud Mama too if one of my kids produced this! And I'm predicting that Mrs M will make her own puddle on the floor when she receives it!
Isn't it encouraging when our children extend such compassion toward others? I have lost a few buttons myself. Blessings on you and your this week-end.
I had to read this 3 times before I realized the teacher had to take a leave and not that she had died! It's late - you'll excuse me!
Your daughter is a natural, naturally.