Daisychain Sampler "S"

It's amazing how much embroidery I can get done when my sister is visiting. I really wish I had more stitchy friends that lived near by.
Why is it so hard to find people who like to sit around, drink tea, maybe eat yummy snacks, chat about whatever and make pretty designs on fabric with a simple needle and lovely thread?
Oh, and a few people asked me last week what I'm going to do with this Sampler when it's done. I do know it'll be hung on the wall. I'm leaning towards some sort of patchwork piecing to frame it. Maybe just in a frame. Haven't decided for sure. I'll have to play around a bit. I'm open to suggestions ...
This letter is done with a backstitch fill.
Which was totally ok with me.
'Cause it doesn't really matter (at least to me) if the stitches aren't all the same length.
And it has such a neat texture.
[Insert panic here]
Oh crap! NOW all of a sudden it looks like a pink snake - all poised like a hooded cobra, sticking out its tongue and ready to strike ... I HATE snakes!!!
No, you don't understand! I mean REALLY ... as in full blown phobia ... as in like Indiana Jones only add screaming like a girl running in the opposite direction with arms flailing in the air!!! (I won't even go into the reptile house at the zoo ... )
[Insert reconsidering very irrational response to thought of a snake in my Sampler and attempting to regain SOME semblance of maturity here]
But then again, maybe I don't like them because they don't come in pink ... maybe I could learn to like pink snakes ... hmmm, I'm gonna have to think about that one ...

Reader Comments (27)
Lovely pink "s", don't think about snakes , think about your next letter, the "t", and have a "cuppa" while stitching, and I would be honored to stitch with you.Enjoy!
I hate snakes, too ... and spiders! And let's be honest even a pink snake / spider can't change that. Lucky your 'S' isn't even a little bit snakelike to me but a sweet and nice and pink cutie;-)
I am soooo with you on irrational snake phobia. Snakes and sharks...my two fears in life. However, I am not with you on your s. It is beautiful and in no way looks like a cobra....now you leave that pretty little S alone!!!
ps wish we lived closer and I'd be your stitch buddy. Lord knows I have enough stitching projects on the go. Oh and I added another quilt project to my ever growing list-the cutest little car seat quilt for babes. couldn't resist.
I would love to join you in stitching and enjoying tea and chatting!!! That is exactly what I enjoy...completely!!!
I like your S...but maybe if you put a circle at the beginning of the S it won't remind you a that terrible thing.... Hugs!
I loved the S until you made the snake reference. I too have a full blown phobia of snakes, there was one on TV yesterday in a commercial and I had to turn it off until it was over! I got made fun of at the camp I was working at because there was this tiny tiny water snake which was no bigger than a spaghetti noodle and I started to cry and wouldn't go back in the water; some fearless camp counsellor I was!
"people who like to sit around, drink tea, maybe eat yummy snacks, chat about whatever and make pretty designs on fabric with a simple needle and lovely thread"
I like to do all those things! I doubt we're close enough to get together to do them, but it sure sounds fun! I like your pink "S" - if you make the same little curlycue on the top also it won't look like a tongue anymore, but I think it's fine the way it is.
think "tuba!" :P
lol,send the snake to ME! I think it's beautiful! SHQC, I would LOVE to sit and stitch with you. Why do we all live so far apart? Why?? ;p
If only you lived near me - I had a friend over for the day and we stitched, we drank tea, we had lunch, we ate cookies, we gossiped ......
:) funny !!! I won't even mention what was once found under my bed as a child......really....seriously ....won't !!!! I love your "S" by the way !!! Really doesn't resemble ...that...it ....nope....nada...uhuh !!!!! "T" is a great letter ...carry on :) !!
Aren't you glad you didn't spend your childhood in Australia.......... Actually I now live in New Zealand and there are NO snakes in New Zealand!!
Me too. I either change the channel or leave the room when there is a snake on the screen. And we won't talk about the garter snakes in my garden. I have nightmares! So put the little curlycue thingie on the top end of the S, like Kathy said, and it won't look so snakelike anymore. You do awesome work!
I have to say I love the S. I love all of them. I am seriously feeling a little anxiety now - well really alot of anxiety that you are on the T. You know, like T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. It's over. I can't imagine anything I've enjoyed more than this sampler. You are awesome. I bought the pattern and have not started yet. I hope I can stitch just a little as lovely as you.
Go slow. . . . very slow, creep, crawl, through these next letters.
Quilting in Texas
I'm sure somewhere on this big planet, there is a pink snake!!! Bound to be! ;)
V x
Love, love, love your blog! Fell in love with the Pandolph fabrics you used for the Project Simplify and was lucky enough to track down a few fat quarters! You definitely keep me laughing with some of your posts. Wish I still lived in Calgary so I could come by the shop where you work and see some of your quilting in person.
Oh what a lovely sampler. What brand of thread do you use? I have been trying to get my hands on the Cosmos two stranded thread but where I live its just not possible.
I have moved recently to the country and we have a snake that lives by the house in the summer. I just dont go to that side of the house unless my husband scots it out first. They don't bite apparently, but its just that slither in the grass that makes my body shiver.....want to come for a cuppa? lol
My sister used to have a pink snake. Well actually it was an albino king snake, but I swear it was pink and white striped. I wish I had a picture to share. I too wish I had more stitchy friends. No, my friends and family own snakes and call me an old lady for doing things like quilting and embroidery. Oh well, they can keep their snakes and I'll keep to stitching. :)
It is oerfect just as it is! You are overthnking it. Your stitches are just perfection!!!
Oh ,what are we going to do when this sampler is finished?? You need to write a book or do a compete video tutorial to sell..
Pretty! With the fluted bit at the top, I think it looks more like a curly pink trumpet. :) A curly, girly instrument. Go with that. ;)
I love this alphabet. Is it a real one or something the designer made up? The curls and designs of each letter are so beautiful! Your stitching looks even to me! Thanks for updating us on your letters. They are really wonderful to look at. Don't think about snakes anymore- K-
I would come join you in a heart beat to sip tea and chat and stitch!!! I love your beautiful stitches! But I so get the snake phobia... I would knock you over to get away from one... hee....
We have snakes in our field, must admit I am not keen on them myself, but as long as they stay in the field and leave me alone that's okay. I think you should do a colonial knot at the top..... give the snake an eye!!! ROFL... sorry I am not helping am I.... tee hee. Hugs
its perfect : )
I can see the snake, but think that if you fill in that circle at the top, similar to the one at the bottom, the tongue, and then the snake, will go away. Beautiful stitching!
Fellow phobic here... courtesy of an early childhood spent in South Florida where my mom was sure I'd meet my demise at a tender age by trying to pet a coral snake. :o I have also had friends bodily carry me into the reptile house at the zoo to "help me". I think I need new friends. (Granted this was years ago.)
But even I hadn't noticed the cobra in your S LOL! I don't think it would help if they were pink. Now, if they were pink AND fuzzy, well.. maybe.
Hey! I love the "S" and am looking to do a much larger one on a valance. I'm new to this site and am wondering what type of needle you are using. It looks very long and skinny! Thanks!