A Pretty Milestone

(Singing) Happy Birthday,
to you,
Happy Birthday,
to you,
Happy Birthday,
Pretty by Hand blog,
Happy Birthday,
to you!
Yes, Pretty by Hand is one year old today. I can't believe what a year this has been for me! Do you know it took me 11 months from the time I registered my website name to my first post? I was so scared. I researched the crap out of blogging before I started and I STILL felt ill-prepared.
But wow! I've met so many lovely people, some of whom I'm delighted to call friends. And all of you who have taken time to leave me a comment (almost 5,000 ... no WONDER I felt lonely when I was changing computers and couldn't blog every day!) or send me an email just to say hi or to let me know you like what I do or even share a little something about yourself with me ... crazy awesome.
I've met amazing people in the quilting world at Quilt Market and can't believe that I'm allowed to call some of them friends. That totally blows my mind.
I blogged my way thru Camille's fantabulous book Simplify.
Learned to free-motion quilt in the process.
FWQAL has been CRAZY fun! Thanks Amanda & Angela for running this project!
And then there was the Mini-Series. TOTALLY loved making those cuties. :)
My little cases made with 2-1/2" squares. Felt the love from you over these, I tell ya!
The messenger bag I made for my daughter. I still can't believe the reaction!
My Daisychain Sampler is coming along nicely.
(albeit a little slowly ...)
Lecien asked me to make a quilt for their Fall booth to launch the (then) latest Flower Sugar fabric line. What an unbelievable honor.
And the tote bag I made based on that quilt.
And of course tons more.
But my most favoritest thing about blogging is hearing that so many of you find my little blog here a source of inspiration ... that something I made got YOU to make something, learn something, try something, whatever. Even if you just dream about making something ... that is also part of what I consider life support for the creative soul. I couldn't survive without inspiration myself and I find it funny ... and also just plain FUN ... that I can do that for you.
When I started my blog last year it felt a lot like holding my breath, shutting my eyes real tight and jumping into the pool. Now that I've gotten used to the water (thank god this analogy doesn't require me to ACTUALLY BE in a bathing suit in front of y'all!) I'm ready to do it again ... into the deep end this time.
I have a few things brewing behind the scenes. I don't mean to tease you ... ok, maybe just a little ;) ... but I'm very excited about the upcoming months.
Now excuse me but ...
this prettiest-little-pink-cake-in-the-whole-entire-world isn't gonna eat itself.
If you're picturing me going all psychotic when I saw this to-die-for PINK confection in the shop window, I assure you ... it was even worse than that. There may have been squealing and clapping and jumping up and down ... can't be certain ... I think I blacked out for a sec.

Reader Comments (95)
Thank you so much for taking the plunge and writing your blog! I truly enjoy reading it everyday and get tons of inspiration. You make the most beautiful things!
Enjoy the cake...you deserve it!
P.S. I think you need to write a pattern for your tote bag so we can buy it! =)
I have loved your blog over the past months. Thank you for sharing, it has certainly inspired me.
Happy 1st Birthday!
Wow, contragts to one year in blogland! You're such an amazing person and your blog is wonderful, you do deserve this cake! But can I please have a piece of this pink wondercake? Just look sooo yummy;-)
Happy Birthday! I have so enjoyed your blog. As long as you stay on line...tease away!
Please eat a bite of that beautiful cake for me.
Take care,
Carole Y.
Happy Birthday and may there be many, many more. I love your blog and all the beauty and humor you share with the rest of us. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.
Yum! I linked over to view the other delicious creations and was very sad to discover that they are no where near me. Can you believe they offer a chocolate coconut?! If I had seen that in person, I might have blacked out for a sec. (Well, except for the fact that the icing wasn't pink.) Enjoy! It has been very fun getting to know you!
Best Wishes on such a lovely milestone, a great achievement , and I am looking forward to more of your entertaining posts.
Congrats on your milestone. I'm looking forward to many more years of pretty inspiration.
Happy Blogiversary!! Enjoy your day!
Happy blog birthday! Thank you for being such an inspiration.
I love that cake!
I just want to let you know that I really enjoy your blog. I think you are SO talented and very creative with your talent. Your sense of style is amazing. Happy 1st Birthday "Pretty by Hand"!!!!
Congrats! Wow, you've accomplished so much in just one year. I can't wait to see what this next year brings. I love your FW blocks, and I love that you live in Canada too.
Happy blog birthday! A year is a milestone worth celebrating! I've enjoy following along with your beautiful projects. Keep them coming. By the way that is a beautiful little pink cake!
Happy Bloggy Birthday! I found your blog after Camille featured you on her blog and I've been reading ever since. I love your blog, it's good for the soul what with your quirky commentary and all the pretty things to look at. I never would have guessed it had only been a year. You seem so professional and seasoned :) Keep up the great work I can't wait to read and see more.
Happy 1st Birthday! You can count me in the group of truly inspired-by-your-work people :)
Happy Birthday Blog! I always love to stop by and see what you have been working on. Everything is gorgeous! Happy Valentine's Day!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!! Pretty By Hand is the very first place I go every morning when I turn on the computer! What a sweet and beautiful and FUN way to start the day! So very happy for you and celebrating this last year. I cannot wait to see what this next year holds in store! We love you, Kristyne! :)
Oh, and that cake...I would've had the same reaction. L-O-V-E it!!!
Happy Birthday! It was a good day when you started blogging. I find your work very inspiring. But you are torturing me with that pink cake!
Happy Birthday PBH!!!
Happy Anniversary!!!! Once again inspired by your gorgeous pictures!!! Ok go have your cake and eat it too....wish I were there to share it with you.
Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for writing such a fun and inspiring blog! I look forward to every post!!
Those of us that have enjoyed your postings over the past year have to Thank You! Love your posts and your style. I just wish I had a smidgen of your talent. So Happy Birthday Pretty by Hand. And thank you Kristyne for sharing so much of yourself with those of us you don't even know.
Now excuse me while I go find something sweet to indulge in because I can't inhale pretty pink cake over the internet.
Happy, happy birthday:) I enjoy your blog and look forward to the next year of posts.
Happy birthday! I love the cake, it's so very you that I thought you'd baked and iced it yourself! I hope it tastes as delicious as it looks, I wish I lived closer so I could pop round for a slice and a cup of tea...And I'm so glad you started blogging - blogland is richer with you in it!
Congratulations! I don' remember how I found your blog, but it is one of the things that has reinvigorated my love of quilting and has got me back into the habit. Your blog is always beautiful! I do most everything by hand because I like to take it with me, so my productivity will never equal yours but you are an inspiration none-the less!
Happy Bloggy Birthday Kristyne!!! I love visiting PBH every day and always leave inspired. Enjoy your gorgeous pink cake--OMG that looks DELISH!!!
Happy Valentine's Day too!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! THANK YOU so much for the wonderful fun on your blog and all the beautiful projects and inspiration! And I WANT A PIECE OF THAT CAKE and a cup of tea with you! Love Love Love the tote bag you made for Camille and yourself and the little zipper bags!!!! And I am hoping Camille comes out with a book real soon again and that you will blog through it too!!!! Woo hoo - Happy Birthday and thanks for the daily treats and eye candy you supply throughout the week! Love you! xoxo
Happy Bday to the blog!
Oh, tummy growly for cake. That is a one beautiful creation, too.
I've loved lurking my way through your creations and yes, you do inspire me so very much.
Happy Bloggy Birthday! That cake is the prettiest one I've ever seen. Looking forward to seeing what you'll make next!
Wow! One of my favorite blogs is only a year old?? How inspiring!!! Thanks and congratulations!! (that cake is soooo freakin cute!!!)
I'd love if you stopped by my place sometime;)
Happy Anniversary and thank you for your blog. It is wonderful. You are very talented, your sewing skills are amazing and I love your sence of humor. I can't wait to see what year 2 brings!!!! Thank you for sharing.
Happy {blog} Anniversary! You have provided so much inspiration to me and so many others! Here's to another year of all of your beautiful creations!
I love your blog -- I am inspired by everything you do! And you crack me up too!
lol, i do LOVE that cake. it fits your blog beautifully! happy 1st birthday to Miss Pretty By Hand. Now move over, I want a BIG piece of cake. ;p
I can't believe your blog is only one year old. You've accomplished a lot in just one year! I love all your pretty handmade goodness, especially that messenger bag...to die for! Can't wait to hear about what you have going on behind the scenes...love me a little teaser!
That is one pretty little cake.
Happy Birthday! You're my favorite blogger. I love the elegant beauty in everything you do and I love your attitude even more.
Celebrating with you! I so look forward to seeing your blog daily. Thank you for sharing your creative talents with us and for being such an inspiration. Wish I could sample some of that beautiful cake!
Happy Blog Birthday! Thanks for sharing your creations with us. BTW, that is probably the cutest cake I have ever seen!
Alrighty, first off - I thought you had been blogging for YEARS, who knew I started following you only a month or two after you started. You are truly talented! Secondly - that cake! I didn't think it was real. I would love to look at it everyday it is soooo incredibly pretty. I think it should be in your new banner HAHA!!!!
Tease?!? That was soo not fair. Can't wait to see what you have in store - always a pleasure.
Happy Birthday Pretty By Hand! Congratulations on a beautiful and productive year that we ALL enjoyed. To many more!
Happy Birthday to my favourite blog (and Blogger!) ever!
Love your work Kristyne, thank you for inspiring me and bringing a smile to my face.
D'ya think ya could send some of that cake Down Under....
Happy Bloggy Birthday!!! *LOVE* the cake, yum!!
Happy Birthday and what a wonderful year it has been. I have really enjoyed reading your posts (love your humor) and seeing all your creations. May God continue you to bless you for many more years!
I enjoy your blog everyday via email and I'm so loving the Farmer's Wife blocks. You inspired me to buy the book. Unfortunately, that's as far as I got. But I will get to it. I promised myself I would finish some of the small UFOs that I have, and after that I will give myself permission to start the Farmer's Wife quilt. Happy happy blog birthday. Keep up the good work. As for that fantastic pink cake confection, wish I was there!
Congratulations, I had no idea you have only been online for one year, I started reading your blog during the small Simplify quilt project. I am inspired by your work and I love your blog. I so appreciate the blogs I read, the amount of time and energy it must take to write the posts, not to mention sharing such a big part of your life with us, makes me grateful for folks like you who are so generous. So, Happy Birthday and Thank You!!
I am sooo thankful that you started your blog! I've received TONS of inspiration as well as down right belly laughs from your blog. Love It, Love It, Love It!!! And of course, a GIANT Happy Birthday for your one year milestone....just wish I could have a bite of your beautiful, mouth-watering cake!!
OMG! That cake looks fabulous! Do they mail cakes like to Nebraska???
Love your blog, wouldn't miss it! Congrats!
Happy Birthday! I cannot believe what you have accomplished in only one year!!
Do you sleep?
I love all your projects...patterns!
My blog one year anniversary is coming up next week. Yours seem so much more polished to me. I thought you'd been doing it a long time. I love reading you every day. I get your post in my e-mail about 7 pm EST and so it is my evening paper, so to speak. Keep it up. Happy Birthday Pretty by Hand!
Congrats on your 1st anniversary of your blog. I can't believe you waited so long to start it lol. You have an amazing writing talent and your bubbly personality certainly shines through. I have truly enjoyed reading you and always look forward to your next post. Your projects are just gorgeous and you do such beautiful work! Keep up the great work....Happy Birthday and many more!
Happy Blog-A-Birthday!! I am so glad you took that plunge. I have to tell you that I start every day by checking in at Pretty By Hand. :) Your stories are the absolute best and your sewing projects are just incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!