Daisychain Sampler "L"

This is such a cute little letter.
And I love making flowers with this ...
a pinwheel blanket stitch.
But the whole time I was stitching up these flowers, all that was going through my head was, "The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round ..."
Clearly I've been on one too many field trips with 5 year olds!
For the first time in this Sampler, I'm using a single ply - here for the Colonial knots.
I want the little knots in the flower centers to be delicate and I think 2 plies would be too chunky.
Remember, I reduced the size of my pattern by 30%. If you're stitching with embroidery floss too but on the pattern full size, you may not want to copy me here.
Uber super dee duper cute. ;)

Reader Comments (30)
Each new letter is cuter than the one before ... you're amazing!
so cute! Makes me want to bust out my embroidery work and start it up again (it's been sadly ignored as of late)
Thank you for the initial of my last name! Really cute. And I must have been subjected to a few too many of hubby's Western movies, as I keep singing "Wagon Wheels!"
Cute! Love it! ;p
I love that you use a long needle and it has a bend in it, just like mine. Makes me hopeful that I will someday embroider as beautifully as you do.
I love it! In my opinion L is the best letter of the alphabet :P
Just so,so.so pretty!!
It is a very sweet little L :)
ooooohhhhhh SUPER UBER CUUUUUTENESS! I am lusting .... I love your sampler and this letter 'L' is sooooo lovely! I never saw blanket stitch flowers - love them - and I think your plan for the colonial knots was perfect!!! Oh there are not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do - copy you! hee! I hope this year to get crackin on my Farmer's wife quilt... I have a total of 8 or so blocks done... I would love to make progress on this... and ... and... and.... thanks for the eye candy! It is soooo pretty! Your girls are going to want everything you make - if you were my mom I'd be pestering you for all of it for my room! ;oD (and by the way - I can't get that song out of my head now - ha!)
ps - me again! Could we pretty please see the sampler photographed with all that you have done so far all together in one glorious photo? I would love to see how they all look together! :o) you know... in case you don't have a single thing to blog about one day... I know ... I know... what would you do without me? oh and ps - did you see Camille's *hint* at the Jolly Jabber.... I also think when her new book comes out (if I got the hint right) you need to do another Project Runway/Camille thingy again! IMHO! Ya... like you've got nothing to do, eh?
Ummm I think I've had too much tea this afternoon - I keep on typing and can't shut up.... ok - so I went to the daisy chain sampler post where they were all together and I scrolled all the way down really fast and then tried all the way up really fast to get a feel for it all together - you know like with those kids books where you flip the pages fast and you can see the animation unfold... well... this didn't work well since the sampler isn't supposed to be animated but I was hoping to get the effect of it all together in one place.... I feel nauseous now with all the scrolling up and down .... what's a girl to do? I guess I will have to wait patiently for the unveiling of the masterpiece! ;oD
Well... now.. don't I feel STUpid.... I somehow MISSED your K post and just saw everybody all together like I was hoping! It is sooooo pretty!!! How did I miss you? I stalk your blog all the time... I somehow missed the long and short stitch post... it is lovely! :O) ok - bye for today... I promise!
I agree with Hildy!!! This is ADORABLE!!!!
Very sweet and lovely.
So lovely! I am just having to do this sampler! thank you for mentioning you reduced it by 30%!, i had overlooked that! Do you remember what background fabric you used? You always have something beautiful to show us!
Holy guacamole! That's the cutest inanimate object I've seen all day! (Sorry, my 17-month-old daughter can't be topped!) I'm loving all of these letters!!
Soooo cute! Love it :)
This is so sweet, I have never seen a blanket stitch circle like that before. I love it! what a darling letter. Thanks for showing us how it was made. K-
L is lovely!
Oh you!! Now I am going to have start this, how could I not like the "L" and can I have some of that tea Bari Jo is drinking!!....... Linda xx
That is beautiful- love the flowers and I love seeing all the different stitches. Thank you for sharing this series/project. Looking forward to the rest of the alphabet!
I think this letter is my favorite, so pretty!!
Hello there! I have only discovered your blog today. Your work is beautiful - so very pretty!
I wanted to add your blog to my RSS feed but it looks as thought the link is broken (I get an error message). I thought you might like to know...... :-)
Hopefully I can add you to my RSS before long, but either way I will be coming back to look at your blog on a regular basis from now on.
Fae x
Have just been introduced to your blog today via another wonderful blog 'Cinderberry Stitches' and I just love what I am seeing - very inspiring. I am looking forward to see how you embroider my initial 'O' and also interested in all things Canadian as I have a daughter and two granddaughters living in Montreal - I live in New Zealand!!!
OK - now I am thinking I need to order this pattern! It is very cute! And I love your descriptions...
Truly scrumptious!
I have now decided to make the sampler myself and I have just started. I am looking forward to progressing and seeing what others are doing as well.
How pretty is that little stitch!! WOW!
Lalalala LINOLEUM.
well it's lovely, but you knew that.