Seven Random Things

A very sweet blogger I met recently honored me with a Stylish Blogger award. Thank you so much Jennie! Well (I say sheepishly), not really sure what that is, but I gather from her blog that I'm to share 7 random things about myself with you.
1. I've never had a cup of coffee. Ever.
2. My favorite movie is the Princess Bride ... and BBC's Pride & Prejudice (the Colin Firth version).
3. I have hexagon tiles on my bathroom floor because the first quilt I ever made was "Grandmother's Flower Garden".
4. I have seen (almost) every episode of every Star Trek franchise. "Live long and prosper." Actually, my favorite quote is "Make it so, Number One." My husband hears that a lot.
5. I hate stepping on worms. Ugh!!!
6. Of the many things I've discovered about myself since becoming a mom, one of the more surprising is a seemingly instinctive willingness to catch my child's vomit - in my bare hands - to minimize the cleanup during a marathon nine hour road trip. (Sorry, did I go too far with that one?)
7. I ALWAYS have hand wipes in my vehicle - see #6.

Reader Comments (9)
I have never drunk a cup of coffee either. Do people think you are odd? everytime i go out with girlfriends for coffee I get a hot chocolate and they think i am so odd that i dont drink coffee on a coffee date.
Hahaha -- you may have definitely gone too far with #6, but #7 was a nice recovery. I've never had a cup of coffee either -- I don't see how people can stand it. I don't like mocha flavored stuff either. Fun getting to know you a little better!
My sweetheart just had to ask me why I was laughing. It was because of 6 & 7. Unfortunately, we have that in common. I can't say that I've seen all the Star Trek episodes, but I have probably seen most. I have seen every single Perry Mason and can generally tell you the ending just by viewing the first 30 seconds of the program (some of them all I need is the title of the show.)
I LOVE this list! Happy to know you a bit more. Numbers 5, 6, and 7 made me giggle. =)
Hello my friend,
Now this is a pretty random list ... I remember you telling me about #7, but thanks for refreshing my memory ... I guess that's what friends are for ...
Have a great evening!
Forgot to mention that I agree on #2 as well. Too bad we aren't neighbors. I bet I could convince you how great Perry Mason is.
Ha ha! Well if you're going to do 6 then you MUST do 7 !! :)
Vivienne x
Oh my gosh I'm cracking up at all your 7 randoms! Seriously though no coffee?? Not even a mocha frap??? I think I would go bananas without my coffee fix!
I have always been a huge Trekky myself....of course I think it's because of the nostalgia it brings me to think back on the good ole days. You remember when there was only 13 channels to choose from instead of 513 like nowadays!! My favorite quote (in said Scottish accent would be: "I can't hold her together any longer Captain - she's breaking up!!!" This meaning Scotty trying to save the USS Enterprise from blowing to bits after an attack from some alien meanies!!! LOL!
LOL. Well I know now why you have 7. Yep, because of 6. You are too funny. Thanks for the laugh,