Daisychain Sampler "I"

I is a cute flower made almost entirely with lazy daisy stitches. Love it.
Whenever I mark out a lazy daisy stitch, I ALWAYS use just 2 dots.
One for where the needle goes DOWN and one for where the needle comes UP.
See? This way, if I pull the stitch too tight (or not tight enough) there are no markings underneath to tell on me.
Nifty, eh? (And yes, those are 3 Colonial Knots - not French Knots - in the flower center.)
My daughter just walked into the room as I was writing this post and "informed me" that 'hi' is a word in the alphabet.
"Did you know that, Mummy?"
Love her. :)

Daisychain Sampler,

Reader Comments (16)
loving your sampler....after the holidays I want to start one too! That i is adorable!
What an excellent tutorial for the Colonial Knot. I liked how she did it several times so you could really "get it" and not have to play the video over and over to see what's what. Your work on the alphabet is beautiful and I so want to do this sampler. Thank you for the inspiration.
You have the most beautiful 'hi' I've ever seen! And thanks to your sweet little daughter now I know that I've a 'hi' in my name;-)
I purchased an Alphabet Sampler at the Houston show before I saw your Lazy Daisy, I purchased yours and am so ready to start after the holidays. Although the other pattern is very pretty (cuz you know I would have never purchased anything at Houston I didn't need...right) your pattern is both very, very pretty and fun. I can't wait to start. I am glad you mentioned the dots, I was wondering. I LOVE your blog. Every day I LOVE it.
Quilting in Texas
You are such a temptress, not sure how long I can hold off not buying that sampler with you sharing all your beautiful work. Thanks!
The i is lovely, so dainty and delicate!
Mmm, I love it. I wish I had that pattern! It just speaks to me, your stitching is lovely.
Got to follow trend with you other comenters and say love it so fab stunning and yet another great post,
Hugs from over sea's
Vikki xxx
Ooooooo ooooo wait MERRY CHRISTMAS every one xxx
Just dropping in to say Hi! And, to tell ya I love your I. ;0
she is brilliant, just like her mommy! Love the way to showed to mark for doing a lazy daisy!! I learn so much here from you! Thank you! :O) Bari Jo
Gorgeous letter "i"...I love it.
I don't embroider, but if I did, the lazy daisy stitch would be my favorite. :) So pretty!
Another gorgeous letter - I'm not sure how much longer I can resist this pattern!
Totally lovely as usual,you are so talented,your stitching is perfection.
Love your stitchery. I look forward to your blog posts. Always eye candy!