Quilt Market Eye Candy

Sensory overload. The talent and creativity at Quilt Market is - to say the least - overwhelming. So in no particular order, here are some things I liked and/or loved and/or died and went to crafty heaven over when I saw them. ;)
Super cute chair
Something about this "Dear Stella" pink & orange that caught my eye (picture doesn't do it justice)
Cabbages & Roses quilt
Moda Solids quilt
Cinderberry Stitches' longarmer stitched little toadstools into the quilt. CUTE! (Pattern is a free download)
Love Bunny Hill's seasonal applique designs
Brenda Riddle's Durham Quilt (another free download!)
Beautiful Better Homes & Gardens quilt display
Of course, I love the pink in Lori Holt's "Daisy Cottage" fabric line
I mean come ON! Any booth with a pink table is a favorite of mine. ;)
Loving this colorful chandelier in Don't Look Now's booth. (I have a thing for chandeliers.)
A silk ballgown with yo-yos?
Totally works for me!
Did you know Ty Pennington designs fabric? He started messing around with carving images out of wood and making them into stamps for fabric.
Love the sense of humor to have a display of ties in Ty's booth. :)
I popped into this Antique Quilt booth.
This quilt caught my eye.
The first quilt I ever made was a Grandmother's Flower Garden (in country blue, country red & ivory polyester broadcloth. Dude, it was the mid 80's ... it totally wasn't my fault.)
I will always have a deep and abiding love for hexagons.
I loved the beautiful stack of one color + white quilts. I want to make one for myself ... one in each color, that is!
I suppose you can guess why I loved this quilt. ;)
Ok, that's enough for today, right? More next week. Promise.

Reader Comments (19)
Love your all of the pictures but my highlight is the pink silk ballgown, would love to wear it;-)
Eye Candy indeed! One day a want to have a big huge pile of freshly folded quilts in almost every room of the house. :) Loved all of your pictures, but must admit, I got distracted by the one of Ty Pennington wrapped up in a quilt...but maybe that's just me. ;)
Thanks for all the images. I love seeing what is coming and there are few things here I could go for.
Lovely, lovely things! :)
But Kristyne why didn't you photograph some pink stuff??
Vivienne x
I'd never seen those lecien stitcheries before. How cute!
Thanks for the eye candy. That red and white quilt is stunning! The ties crack me up. And I think I need some of that toadstool fabric when it comes out :)
I have loved looking at the beautiful pictures. I am always inspired by the creativity of others.
Great pictures, my fav though is the grandmother's flower garden. I have one that my great-grandmother made in the 30's that looks so much like the one you photographed. Makes me want to leave work and go home and hug the quilt, just because I love it so much!
I am working on some hexies, however, it may take me ten years to make a queen size quilt....maybe it iwll end up being a table runner, instead! :)
Beautiful! ;0
I love the stitcheries!! And the rest is pretty good too!!
Beautiful photos, my favourites are the red stitcheries and the pink tables!! Thanks for sharing!
Oh my. Don't you have eye-candy overload? Just so you know, today I linked to your recent tutorial on the little patchwork bag and posted a photo of the one I made yesterday. Fun and easy! Thanks for the tutorial! Except I didn't quilt this one.........
thanks for sharing all the inspiration.
Love bunny hill love don't look now altho they havnt updated there blogs in a while.they r up there but not top guess who ;)
Hugs from over sea's
Vikki xxx
Hi again,
lovely photos of the booths. Couldn't find an email to answer you am using your comment section. Reiko Kato is pretty amazing too and very nice. I took two classes with her and made two other projects she created by myself. You can see a photo of all the Reiko Kato projects on March 22, 2010 post; but on several other posts also. They were fun projects but not easy ones.
Have a great weekend,
LOVE all the photos...thank you so much for sharing! I love coming here to see what you're up to. Right now, though, I want to know how to get one of those redwork stitchery patterns! Any help?
Thanks for sharing all the great eye candy!
I was typing "farmer's wife quilt" on google to see how everyone chooses their fabric, and found your blog, I love the colors you have choosen!!
I find you blog very nice, but I find it even nice as I'm the designer of the cross stitch on the first picture of this note!! I also noticed that you brought back some fabric from Lecien (I'm the designer of La Petit Mercerie) so I even love more your blog!!
I was not able to go to Houston as I live in France, I was curious to know if you had taken any other pictures of the booth of Lecien, and if you would agree to send me some by mail.
I'll be putting a link to your blog on my as I really like your choices of colors!!
So beautiful !