Mystery Block of the Month

Here's my Block #4 from the Fat Quarter Shop's Designer Mystery BOM - (my first BOM EVER). So far, so good.
Now I'm all caught up. Yay! Hurry up Block #5 and please show up in my mailbox soon ... I need to make you!
Today's confessional: thanks to this block, I've decided to change the border fabric that came with the finishing kit from a taupe/red floral to this delicious pink strawberry print. What? Me change a pattern? In favor of pink? I know. I should warn you to sit down before springing something like that on you ... ;)
This block was designed by the super talented Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs. Of all the quilts I've made in my lifetime (over 200 so far) one of my favorites is this ...
"All Things Christmas" is a beautiful quilt made with a fun combination of piecing, applique and a little bit of embroidery & sweet embellishments like ribbons & buttons ... all framed with an elegantly scalloped border. Home run, in my opinion. :)
In fact, this very quilt is responsible for all this fabric winding up in my stash!
Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my fellow Canadians!

Reader Comments (18)
such a pretty block! i love the strawberry fields prints!
Be honest: you out a little camera in my head. Seriously, I just hop to your block to look at first three BOM blocks and then this post showed up! But I can't believe that YOU change a pattern;-) Have a happy weekend!
I love that fabric too and more and more am surprising myself with my pink inclinations! My girlfriend is in the same BOM but hasn't started her sewing yet... I think I need to give her a shove in the right direction now that I've seen your blocks!
And Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I'm in Abbotsford, B.C... where do you hang your hat?
Beautiful block! And I loved your math work from yesterday's post.
Have a lovely weekend with your family! Your block is beautiful...but I would expect nothing less. You're awesome! ;0
Over 200 quilts! You aren't my quilting hero for nothing!
Beautiful block! Polka dots are one of my favorites! And such a sweet Christmas quilt. I hope to have a big fluffy pile of Christmas quilts in the years to come. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you wonderful Canadians! So glad we're neighbors!
Good choice, I love all things strawberry. :)
Happy weekend Kristyne,
Vivienne x
Happy Thanksgiving (ok, I admit it, until I read it on your blog, I didn't know you had one!!). Love your BOM and the wallhanging!
Im with fraye i didnt know either but happy thanks giving to you and your family , im thankful for finding this blog and learning embroidery over the last week ( thats how it works right ) love the block too xxx
Hugs from over seas
Vikki xxx
You got me. I just caved and ordered the BOM... I've been wanting this for awhile anyway. The finishing kit is sold out (but I ordered the pattern)... so I get to pick out my own border fabric! And I think that it's gonna be those pond blue strawberries or the big red floral, cause I gotta change it up, too! Happy Thanksgiving... you gotta tell us if there's a traditional meal (um, do you eat turkey and pumpkin pie? with whipped cream?)
I thought the first 3 BOM blocks were nice, but I really like #4. I think that the strawberry print will make a great border. That Christmas quilt is so cute!
Happy Thanksgiving from Fort McMurray!
You are so very talented...I just wanted to tell you that. Where do you do most of your fabric shopping?
Oooh, LOVE that pretty block! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
He He! I'll be caught up w/you by Monday! All four of the blocks came two days ago and I had to get the first two made. You sure know how to crack the whip, girl! Think this block is also my fave, but we'll have to wait till they're all in. Your own pattern, eh? Might we see some more of those in the future? I'll have to have anything you do. I'm hooked! Still waiting for my Cosmo to arrive, then I'll be ridin' your tail on the cute alphabet wall hanging. This is so much fun! And a new blog friend ta boot!
Love the block, it looks great. I have only just got block no 4 (I live in Australia so it takes awhile to get to me) and hoping to get it done this weekend.
Love me :-)
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you! I love the block and your Christmas quilt.
How many of the 200 quilts do you have at home and what do you do with them? I have run out of wall space, maybe i need to rotate them, ok maybe not as i dont have any to rotate them with-but i'm working on it. Your block looks lovely, i fall in love with strawberry fields everytime i see it.
Happy thanksgiving to you and yours, enjoy your extra long weekend.
Beautiful block! I love strawberry fields! Believe it opr not,I have that Ann Sutton quilt ,al of it, in a box with one or two blocks done..Got bogged down,I really need to get it out again..200 quilts??? You are the Queen!!!