Half-Moon Case

Ok. I switched things up again for the third mini-charm pack. :)
I love half-moon shaped cases. This is another design I've been turning around in my head and I loved putting it together with the prettiest little fabrics - "Northcote Range" by Cabbages & Roses for Moda. It's so new the yardage just arrived here a few days ago!
It reminds me so much of vintage 80's Laura Ashley. (I miss Laura Ashley!)
Layout - I added a little "Paris Flea Market" (older Moda) for the zipper binding and a few "Simplicity" (more Moda) scraps for the finger tabs.
What can I say, I'm a creature of habit - more cross-hatch. I did it 'cause I WANTED to, not 'cause I HAD to ... ;) C'mon, it's a classic!
Zipper pull (again ... I just LOVE adding these!)
Pretty in pink ...
Not just for pencils. I think this case looks quite "cosmetic-ey" with the romantic-style fabrics ... which I LOVE!
But big sister really wanted this one and she's not old enough for makeup.
So I'm pretty sure it's going to school to hold scissors & glue sticks ... in very sophisticated style! ;)
From these little 2 1/2" squares ...
to these pretty, useful & versatile pouches.
Who says size matters? ;)
It feels so good to make something out of (almost) nothing.
Projects like these really make me wonder why on earth I'm afraid to use my fabric.
Geez Louise! I can make super cute things that don't use up much fabric at all!

Reader Comments (30)
I'm in love with your little half-moon shaped case, it's such a little sweetie! I know I would use it for make-up;-)
Wow! I love all of your cases (and everything else you do!). I think my husband is going to start blocking your blog on the computer because I *need* to make everything I see on yours! :) Seriously, how do you make those zippers? I have looked in all my books and can't find anything about how to sew in the zipper binding like that. You are so clever! Thanks for all the inspiration.
Seriously cute. I would love to know where you got the pattern for those. LOVE the zipper binding way you do that.
Has anyone ever told you that you rock?
Because if they haven't, then they suck.
Love your little half moon case, love them all in fact!
I really don't know what you're worried about, keep cross-hatching it's lovely, my favourite in fact!
Vivienne x
Now I'm just getting mad.
I love these and you did a great job. Do you have a pattern for these that you can share? I would love to make some after I get my home jobs done.
They are all lovely - and I am having a serious envy issue with your perfect cross hatching - I just can't sew a straight line!!
Is there a pattern for this one, it's so lovely. Looks complicated to me.
I am DYING over these bags!!! I am so intimidated by the process. As always FABULOUS!
Four days till monday not that anyone is counting or anything lol, i think all three of your cases are lush and cannt pick a favourite you need to make more and tutorials to go with. Where can i get those little charm packs from? Not seen them befor
Hugs from over seas
Vikki xxx
They are all lovely. I chuckle every time you say you're afraid of using your fabric. Two reasons really.
1. What else is it for but to make things
2. Everything you make is beautiful so you shouldn't feel nervous about using your favourite fabrics to make more beautiul things
Looking forward to seeing your next bundle of fabric and what you make out of it.
I'm with Pam......
Oh, I guess you just forgot to include the directions, right?!?!?!?!?!
You just made my day! Please tell us again about making pdf patterns for us to buy!
I am really dense about that sort of thing,how long does that take? By Cristmas time for gifts maybe?
You have the very best fabric stash of anyone I have ever seen!! I am just dying to make those little bags to,nevere thought of one for my make up brushes, what a great idea!! I want to live at your house! Your work in just perfection.
Those are just toooo cute! I didn't really see the point of those teeny packs at the last market, but NOW it do! I'll be hunting them down this time!
You really do a great job making those cases.
Now I can't decide which I love best! It's time, K. Give us pdf patterns!!!! :)
Love the style of your blog (became a follower ofcourse!). Also love the way you blog. You use a lot of humor. When i read your posts i laugh out loud!! Also like the colours you use :-)
Tutorials pretty pretty pretty please! They are all so lovely I must have them all!!!
Agreed, Tutorials Please! I want to know how to make pretty finished zippers like yours :)
Oh . . . I miss Laura Ashley, too! So soft and feminine! Love your little projects - went to the dark side and ordered Daisy Chain ABCs as you suggested! Love, love, love it!!!
Hi Kristyne I can sooooo relate to being afraid to use your fabric. When it sits there in all it's soft, pretty loveliness I get that fear of cutting into to it too.....
Adorable...I'm not too young to have a cosmetic case...send one to me! ;0
A PDF pattern is a brilliant idea (Bonnie's) !!! Can you??? Pleeeeeaassssse????? I'm just drooling here in my corner.... :( heehee!
Please?!!!! (down on my knees now with my eyes shut tight)
Just crazy 'bout yer work girl !!!
Love love love the half moon one, and the fabrics are so pretty.
I remember Laura Ashley. Cute, Cute pouches.
You are definitely one talented lady! Thank you for such a great blog. I just got home from PIQF and I didn't find very many fabrics as awesome as your stash. Will you please please do a tutorial on the zipper binding? I love the way it looks.
Absolutely beautiful! Perfect craftsmanship, i love seeing good sewing projects well executed! Any chance you want to share patterns?